Childcare: Luvs

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29 answers

Blow Out Diapers

Hi everyone, We just recently accepted a new little one that is 18 months old. She is overweight but seems otherwise quite healthy. Her motor skills are just fine.... she walks and plays and feeds herself (still working on the fork/spoon), she sleeps through the night and takes a one hour nap during the day. (we wish she would sleep longer but it is just not happening) My question is about her dirty diapers. She poops first thing in the morning while still in bed. I am not sure how early but when I go to get her out of bed between 7-7...


Seriously? No Nap

This week my 2.5 year old has decided that he can no longer be "contained"...

Day Care Centers & Providers

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41 answers

Do You like Luvs Diapers?

Luvs diapers are sooo much cheaper than Huggies or Pampers, so I am wondering if any of you have used them with your babies, and if you like them? It would be great to save some money! Thanks!


Luvs V. Huggies?

Hi All We're trying to find ways to save money where we can (aren't we...