Soothing & Comforting: Infant, Reebok

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9 answers

Anyone Using Jogging Stroller?

I was wondering if any of you moms have used a jogging stroller? I am thinking of getting one but wondered if it's easy to use,etc. Can you really get a good jog in & maneuver the stroller at the same time?

Pacifiers & Thumbsucking

80 answers

Are Stride Rite Shoes Worth It?

My little guy is almost walking, so I want to buy his first pair of "real" shoes. He always goes barefoot in the house, but he needs something to protect his feet when we are outside. I went to Stride Rite yesterday, and I was a little surprised that a pair of shoes for him (that will only last a few months) are almost as expensive as a pair for me! Wow! So my question is - are they worth it? Have you found other brands to be better? I'm willing to spend the money - I just want to make sure the shoes we end up chosing are very high...