Sleeping Habits: Older Child, Munchkin

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17 answers

Where Should My Son Sleep?

My son is 10 mos old and currently shares a bed with me. My husband says he should be sleeping in his crib by himself. my son naps in his crib, and is capable of putting himself to sleep. This isn't affecting my husband at all, he sleeps in a seperate bed because of our schedule differences. I feel that my son will be grown soon enough and the only time we get to cuddle is when we go to sleep at night. i don't plan on him sleeping with me forever, and don't understand why my husband is so sure this is bad for him. Is it wrong or unhealthy...


Infant Autism Signs

I have a beautiful 5 week old daughter. The only problem I am having with...


See all 45 articles
17 answers

Where Should My Son Sleep?

My son is 10 mos old and currently shares a bed with me. My husband says he should be sleeping in his crib by himself. my son naps in his crib, and is capable of putting himself to sleep. This isn't affecting my husband at all, he sleeps in a seperate bed because of our schedule differences. I feel that my son will be grown soon enough and the only time we get to cuddle is when we go to sleep at night. i don't plan on him sleeping with me forever, and don't understand why my husband is so sure this is bad for him. Is it wrong or unhealthy...