Sleep: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 183 articles

How to Get a 15 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

J.G. asks from Spokane

My son still wakes up anywhere from 2 to 5 times a night. When he wakes up he wants his sippy cup. I am beyond exhausted and would like to enjoy a decent night slee...


Where Should My Son Sleep?

M.P. asks from Kansas City

My son is 10 mos old and currently shares a bed with me. My husband says he should be sleeping in his crib by himself. my son naps in his crib, and is capable of putt...


Teething in 18 Month Old

L.O. asks from Minneapolis

My 18 month old is teething, getting molars. HELP ME :) He doesn't seem to want to chew on teething rings and things anymore so I am trying things like pear slices an...


Trying to Get 19 Month Old off the Bottle!

M.A. asks from Bismarck

My daughter is 19 months old and we're really struggling with getting her off the bottle. She only takes the bottle before her nap and in the evening before she goes ...


How Much Milk Does a 16 Month Old Need?

D.N. asks from Orlando

I have 16 month old triplet boys. They are still drinking out of a bottle. I have been have difficulty getting them to learn to hold their own bottle, let alone get u...


9 Month Old to Sleep All Night!

S.B. asks from St. Louis

How do I get my 9 month old to Sleep all Night?? I still wake up 1-3 times/night HELP!!!!


5 Month Old Wont Sleep

J.D. asks from Austin

My son is almost 5 months old. He eats 4-6 ounces every 2 hours and I give him cereal with bananas and/or applesauce twice a day. He only sleeps for about 7 hours a d...


Expectations for My 5 Month Old's Sleep Patterns?

B.M. asks from Los Angeles

I'm looking for any resources that will show me what to expect, generally speaking, in terms of my near 5 month old baby girl. Right now she goes from about 7:30 unt...


TOO Much Milk for a 1 Year Old?

G.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I was wondering if it's possible for a 1 year old to have TOO much milk? We just recently had Lilia's 12 month appt., and her pediatrician not only said to...


15 Month Old Not Talking PART 2!!... Tongue Tied...

R.D. asks from Richmond

My 15 month old son says mama, dada, and nye nye (night night, when he's tired). If he wants more of something, instead of 'more please', he says mama. He listens pre...