Medicines: Toddler, Aveeno

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16 answers

Chicken Pox and Medication

Hi! Today my daughter broke out with what we believe to be the chicken pox. We are all fine with it and consider it part of growing up. I brought her to the dr this evening, just to make sure I wasn't misdiagnosing. He believes they are chicken pox, and wants to put her on a medication to help minimize the effects. From the little research I have done, the recommendations for the meds are more for older people, or people with weakened immune systems. She is a healthy little 5 year old. I guess my question is...did you use...


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12 answers

Aveeno Lotion for Baby

this is in regard to my first question 30mins ago... does anyone know if baby aveeno for eczema works??


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53 answers

Causes of Diarrhea

My son just turned one this month. He's awesome, walking and chatting away. However, we are going on 4 days of diarrhea. My poor kid. It started Saturday and shows no signs of letting up. I called his Ped. but since he does not have a fever, is not vomiting, and still has an appatite they said there is really nothing they can do it just has to run it coarse. I don't know what's causing it. Maybe he picked up a bacteria, maybe he's got some back teeth coming in, I dont' know. I've got him on a very bland diet and keeping him hydrated...

Over the Counter (OTC)

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158 answers

21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & johnson head to toe soap-free wash and use A LOT of lotion to sooth his dry patches on back. The doctor told me it was excema on his arms so we reguarly use cream for that too. He does not scratch or act bothered but the redness after a bath and the dryness concerns me. Any ideas?


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158 answers

21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & johnson head to toe soap-free wash and use A LOT of lotion to sooth his dry patches on back. The doctor told me it was excema on his arms so we reguarly use cream for that too. He does not scratch or act bothered but the redness after a bath and the dryness concerns me. Any ideas?

Sinusitis or Congestion

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20 answers

Congested 1 Month Old

My 1 month old has been congested for a few weeks. Doctor says it's normal but it's so hard to hear him at night struggling to breathe. Does anyone have any suggestions? Most med's say baby has to be at least 3 months so I'm not sure what I can do. I've tried a humidifier and saline drops so far.