Health: Pedialyte

29 answers

Air Travel Security

Hello Moms! Could you give me an idea of what I can bring on the plane in regards to juice and food? I have a one year old who is still nursing/bottle feeding with formula. I thought I could make up bottles and have the Flight Attendant put in warm water. What about juice, applesauce, etc... Thanks!

Bladder & Kidney

See all 469 articles
27 answers

Refusing to Take Pedialyte

My son is 8 months old and is vomiting. I have tried giving him different pedialyte flavor drinks to help reduce dehydration, but he is refusing to drink them. He did take a bottle but unfortunately that came back up after an hour. What can I give him instead or is there another way to give him pedialyte to ensure he stays hydrated?

Childhood Illnesses

See all 291 articles
9 answers

18 Mos. Old LOVES Pedialyte--too Much??

Hi, moms! A couple weeks ago my 18 mos. old son got a stomach virus, which caused diarhea and vomiting. He was sick for a week and so we got him some pedialyte to make up for the lost electrolites, etc...Well, it was pretty much the only thing he could keep down. Now, fast forward a week and that's what he wants to drink instead of regular juice!!! He'll drink milk fine, but as I said, he won't touch juice (even the same flavor as the Pedialyte). My question is: Will having him drink that instead of juice be bad for him?? He has...


See all 26 articles
41 answers

Need Headache Relief for Husband

I'm sorry if this gets lengthy. My husband has been suffering from headaches for several years now. We have been to several doctors and no one has been able to help him. One suggested TMJ, but the oral surgeon he consulted said TMJ is more of a woman's problem. He thought that my husband's wisdom teeth may be putting pressure on his jaws and would not check, or treat, for TMJ until he had his teeth removed. He had all four cut out at once and it did not help. I believe he began to worry about tumors- his mom died two years ago from cancer....

Diapers & Diaper Changing

See all 15 articles
60 answers

HELP!! My 8 Month Old Baby Has Diaper Rash So Bad I Can See Some Red Skin!!!!

I'm feeling so bad :( Since yesterday she has had severe mucusy diarrhea and she only vomited once uptil now. She cries in pain every time she pooped and everytime i changed her diaper right after she pooped I could see her diaper rash growing. I kept putting Desitin and also I have Up and Up diaper rash cream. Today I met with her Pediatrician and he said to only give her Pedialyte (no milk or solid foods) until her diarrhea stops . to wait for 6 to 8 hours. My father in law and husband insisted i give her just a little formula...


See all 26 articles
16 answers

Help with Digestion Issues

Hi Moms, I need some help for my little boy. For the past two weeks he has had a cold/infection (stuffy nose, cough, etc). It runs for a couple of days, gets better, and then comes back. At the same time he is having some digestion issues, mainly diarrhea. He has not had a solid bm in 2 weeks. On doctors orders, we fed him nothing but formula, pedialyte, rice cereal and bananas for days. Not helping. Do you have any of your own ideas on how to treat this chronic diarrhea? We need it to stop as we can not give him antibiotics for the...

Dr. Visits

See all 130 articles
16 answers

Is It Okay to Give a 4 Month Old Baby Pedia-lyte

Does anyone know if it is okay to give a 4 month old baby pedia-lyte? Since yesterday my baby is gotten this crazy cough and after she is done coughing she throws-up. I was told to not give her much formula, as milk causes phlegm. So I was wondering is giving her pedia-lyte to keep her hydrated was okay? I go to the Dr. tomorrow but wanted to know about any home remedies that would be good for her.

Healthcare Providers

27 answers

Is Pedialyte Ok for 3 Month Old?

Hi Moms, Ok, I may be jumping the gun here, but I'll ask just in case. I'm just getting over the flu (blech) and now I'm paranoid that my 3 month old is going to get sick. I know my 3 yo has it :( >sigh< Anyway, should my baby get it, is pedialyte ok to give her? I breastfeed her. Yay! Just in time for Mother's Day! E.

Home Remedies

See all 177 articles
16 answers

Is It Okay to Give a 4 Month Old Baby Pedia-lyte

Does anyone know if it is okay to give a 4 month old baby pedia-lyte? Since yesterday my baby is gotten this crazy cough and after she is done coughing she throws-up. I was told to not give her much formula, as milk causes phlegm. So I was wondering is giving her pedia-lyte to keep her hydrated was okay? I go to the Dr. tomorrow but wanted to know about any home remedies that would be good for her.


See all 843 articles
27 answers

Refusing to Take Pedialyte

My son is 8 months old and is vomiting. I have tried giving him different pedialyte flavor drinks to help reduce dehydration, but he is refusing to drink them. He did take a bottle but unfortunately that came back up after an hour. What can I give him instead or is there another way to give him pedialyte to ensure he stays hydrated?


Mentally Ill Father

To make a very long story short, the father of my 5 month old daughter has a...

Illnesses & Symptoms

See all 195 articles
7 answers

Pedialyte and Hives

My almost 3 yr old had some Pedialyte a few days ago (first and only time she's had it). Then two days later she got hives. Has anyone else experienced this? I went online, and it is listed as a common symptom. She had them yesterday; then after the meds, they went away. Now they are back again, but in different spots. I have lots of experience with excema (she gets it alot), not so much with hives. Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated.


See all 48 articles
20 answers

Serious Constipation Problem

I have a 9 month old that is having a major constipation problem. She drinks Prosobee and has been having he problem off and on since birth. Now that she is old enough to work those muscles down there she is straining to not go. I am afraid for her. People say it could be the soy formula because I give her fresh veggies, juice and water. Someone told me Pedialyte may help. Ihave tried Karo Syrup..did nothing. Any suggestions?? Thank..


Roto Virus Advice

Hi we just found out my daughter has roto virus an i know nothing about it....

Preventative Care

See all 8 articles
13 answers

Cavities and Fillings

so I am feeling bad as a mom since my first child has her first cavity at age 5. But anyway my question is should we choose the silver filling or the white filling. the silver is covered on our insurance and the white one would just be 20 more. I am concerned of the mercury in fillings, is this still a big thing in the silver filling? the dentist said we should be fine with the silver filling since it is on a baby molar but still not sure. Also we take good care of her teeth so I was shocked that she has a small cavity in the molar so how...


See all 37 articles
8 answers

Toddler Just Threw Up :(

My 18 month old son just vomited a LOT but is otherwise acting fine. Just put him to bed and he was crying more than normal, but I believe he is overtired (darn time change!) He's only thrown up one other time that I can remember so I feel inexperienced with kids this age ever just throw up as a fluke and no problems? I'm hoping no illness and haven't seen any other symptoms...


Sad Mommy Here!

my 9 mo has been vomiting for about 4 days... It began when he ate an...


Help with Pneumonia

Hi all, my son will be 4 in October and this is his 4th time getting...


See all 186 articles
20 answers

Serious Constipation Problem

I have a 9 month old that is having a major constipation problem. She drinks Prosobee and has been having he problem off and on since birth. Now that she is old enough to work those muscles down there she is straining to not go. I am afraid for her. People say it could be the soy formula because I give her fresh veggies, juice and water. Someone told me Pedialyte may help. Ihave tried Karo Syrup..did nothing. Any suggestions?? Thank..


Sick One Year Old

Hi mommies, I have a one year old little girl who for the last two days...

Sleeping Habits

See all 96 articles
5 answers

Toddler Throws up Only at Bedtime- Help!

My 2 year old has started to throw up at bedtime. Within minutes of hearing bedtime he will throw up, or it will happen when I try to leave the bedroom. There isn't a lot of crying or gagging. Though he has at times continued it with coughing until there is no food left in his belly. We co-sleep and he wants me to go to bed with him. This has happened 4 times in the past 3 weeks. He has been constipated some of this time as well and not eating a lot. Any thoughts? The pedi I went to had nothing to share.

Stages & Milestones

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19 answers

Advice for Height and Weight and Flu

Good day I have 2 problems First: My 10 m old just got the stomach virus last Sat and we saw her nurse Tues. The Dr could not come see her paitents for a while since the power went out when we arrived so our nurse advised us to give pedialyte and little foods here and there. She has been holding down her milk ever since she got it, she would only vomit when we would feed her the gerber foods so I stopped that and gave her puffs and cheerios, which she held down. We are going back to the Dr again since she lost some weight tmorrow but...


41 answers

Need Headache Relief for Husband

I'm sorry if this gets lengthy. My husband has been suffering from headaches for several years now. We have been to several doctors and no one has been able to help him. One suggested TMJ, but the oral surgeon he consulted said TMJ is more of a woman's problem. He thought that my husband's wisdom teeth may be putting pressure on his jaws and would not check, or treat, for TMJ until he had his teeth removed. He had all four cut out at once and it did not help. I believe he began to worry about tumors- his mom died two years ago from cancer....