Diapers & Diaper Changing: Triple Paste

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11 answers

OMG! I Can't Get the Diaper On!

My 8 mos. son, all of the sudden, is rolling and sitting up which is wonderful! But not on the changing table. I have given up and gone to the floor for safety measures, but I still CANNOT get him to sit still to get the diaper on. He also needs triple paste so you can imagine trying to add that in there! I have tried to distract him and give him a toy, I have tried to keep one toy aside so it is special only for diaper changes, I have tried to work with him and put the diaper on while he is sitting up (which is what this all stems from,...

Bowel Movements

See all 264 articles
27 answers

13 Month Has Painful Bowel Movements

For the last month or so my 13 month old has had (almost) daily painful BMs. When he is about to go he will grunt and groan, turn red, and eventually cry. I usually pick him up or let him hold on to me for support, feeling so helpless, while he screams and shacks. The consistency has been firm and about the size of a long golf ball. On a couple of occasions there has been a little bit of blood in the stool and around his bum. When he strains without success I have had to give him suppositories to get things going, not fun either. His...

Changing Tables & Changing Pads

See all 94 articles
11 answers

OMG! I Can't Get the Diaper On!

My 8 mos. son, all of the sudden, is rolling and sitting up which is wonderful! But not on the changing table. I have given up and gone to the floor for safety measures, but I still CANNOT get him to sit still to get the diaper on. He also needs triple paste so you can imagine trying to add that in there! I have tried to distract him and give him a toy, I have tried to keep one toy aside so it is special only for diaper changes, I have tried to work with him and put the diaper on while he is sitting up (which is what this all stems from,...

Diaper Bags

See all 230 articles
71 answers

Severe Diaper Rash Help

My 10 month old was on antibiotics which we completed 9 days ago and she still has diareah (forgive the spelling) but worse off she has what seems to be an incurable sever case of diaper rash. She is raw and sometimes slightly bleeding when I clean here. I have used Desitin, Triple Paste, Powder, Nystatin prescribed by her doctor, and fresh Aloe. The Aloe calms it down somewhat but can't seem to kick it. Any suggestions of anything that has worked for you? Thanks

Diaper Disposal

See all 26 articles
63 answers

Raw Bloody Diaper Rash

Hi, I desperately need some help! My 11 month old son has had a bloody diaper rash for 6 weeks. We've tried all the over the counter rash creams, I've put nystatin covered with calmospetine on it, he's been on antibiotics for it, I've tried bag balm, I've tried corn starch, I change his diaper every other hour.....he still had a bloody rash. I've taken him to the dr. numerous times. It will heal for a couple days, then he'll poo continously all day and night and the sores come back. It seems like when he's teething, his poo gets...

Diaper Rash

See all 478 articles
9 answers

What Should I Do for Diaper Rash?

I think my 2 month old son has some diaper rash on the inside of his thighs and his lower stomach above his diaper. I have never seen or felt diaper rash so I'm not sure if that is what it is. The skin is bumpy and feels leathery. I have applied some A+D Ointment on it but I'm not seeing a difference. Do any other moms have any suggestions of anything else I should be applying? Does Desitin work better? Thanks, D.


Diaper Rash ?

My daughter got that nasty stomach virus that is going around and still is...


Diaper Rash Advice

My one year old son has had diaper rash for about two weeks and I can't get...


See all 405 articles
15 answers

Diaper Rash with Cloth Diapers

I've been using cloth diapers for several months with no problems. I recently switched to seventh generation laundry detergent and I believe that my kids are allergic (they both broke out in hives after I switched). At the same time as the hives, my son also got a terrible diaper rash. I was using Ecos laundry detergent and everything was fine. I stopped using Seventh generation and switched back to Ecos. I washed all the diapers in Ecos with an extra rinse and in the meantime used disposable and the rash went away. A few days with cloth...


See all 260 articles
56 answers

Seeking Advice on Chronic Diaper Rash

My son has been getting recurrent diaper rashes that are terrible! I have tried every diaper cream out there, Triple Paste, Desitin, A&D, Balmex, But Paste, Aveeno, Cortaid, and even Nystatin. I let him air out as often as I can and it seems to be the only thing to help until he goes again in his diaper - there the rash is again. It was so bad it bled. My doctor says there is nothing else I can do. HELP??


Where Is My Pee?

So I had stomach flu Tuesday-Wednesday. Starting Wednesday night I was re...


Pee-pee on Clothes

I'm having trouble getting the pee-pee accidents out of the clothes and bed...

Wipes & Warmers

See all 380 articles
51 answers

Wipes or No Wipes at Home?

Every time we (my hubby and me) use wipes he gets diaper rash. (yes, we even use the sensitive kind.) We were using the baby's changing table and using wipes all the time at home. But now i have switched to just using a damp washcloth or nothing at all if is just pee..... And i have set up a little towel on the counter in the bathroom. My hubby wants me to use his table again. Im afraid that it will just come back. Also my 3 month old gets little raw slices on the bottom of his pee pee... not sure why. I just put jelly on it and it seems to...


Wipe Warmer Problem

My mom gave me a wipe warmer, and I love the idea of it, but am having real...