Diaper Rash: Toddler, Aquaphor

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14 answers

Aquaphor & Mylanta for Diaper Rash????

I read in either Parents or Babytalk that you can use a mixture of Eucerin Aquaphor and Mylanta on diaper rash and that it works great. Has anyone ever tried this? I'm about at my wits end with a never ending diaper rash on my daughter. It will go away for a day or two and then comes right back.


Diaper Rash ?

My daughter got that nasty stomach virus that is going around and still is...

Home Remedies

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37 answers

Natural Remedies for Red, Itchy Rash

My 21 month old boy has this large red rash on his bum/lower back. It started out small and didn't bother him and it was getting better but just this morning I got him out of bed and it is much worse and he is itching it now. The red areas are slightly raised and some areas are peeling. We are letting him run around with out his diaper as much as possible and we use Seventh Generation diapers so I know it isn't a sensitivity to his diaper. So, far we have just been using Earth's Best diaper rash onitment. I am wondering if any one has...


Diaper Rash Remedies

Does anyone have any good diaper rash remedies? I've tried the over the...

Yeast Infection or Impetigo

See all 472 articles
14 answers

Aquaphor & Mylanta for Diaper Rash????

I read in either Parents or Babytalk that you can use a mixture of Eucerin Aquaphor and Mylanta on diaper rash and that it works great. Has anyone ever tried this? I'm about at my wits end with a never ending diaper rash on my daughter. It will go away for a day or two and then comes right back.


Help with Impetigo

my 18 month keeps getting impetigo around his mouth. I don't understand why...