Bottle & Breastfeeding: Meijer

31 answers

Reduced Milk Supply

When my daughter started eating cereal three times a day (at about 5 months) she started nursing mainly right before bed and at 5 am. She might nurse for 5 -10 minutes about 1/2 hour after eating cereal just for a snack, to make sure she's getting the nutrients she needs, and to help calm her down for a nap. My problem is that because of this reduced nursing my milk supply has reduced dramatically to the point where if I pump I only get 1/2 oz at a time. I would like to mix her cereal with breast milk and also since I work full time...


27 answers

Bottles,bottles,bottles...How Do You Choose?

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out which bottles to use for my second baby (Due Nov 30th). I used Playtex drop-ins with my first son. Getting frustrated!!!


Sippy Cup or Bottle

Hello, I would like to get my 8 month old son to learn how to use a sippy...


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34 answers

Has Anyone Used (Finugreek) While Breastfeeding?

Hi, I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old son. He just turned 4 months so he will be starting cereal. I haven't pumped any milk at all, I'm solely breastfeeding him. I'm worried that I won't have enought to pump and use in cereal and still feed him and him still be satisfied? My body is sensitive, so I'm afraid to take finugreek (probably spelled wrong) that it will dry up my milk??? So I was wanting to know if anyone had any taken it and made their milk dry up or any problems with it. I don't want to use formula if I don't have...

Breastfeeding Alternatives

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23 answers

Brand of Soy Milk

Does anyone have a particular brand of soy milk they recommend? My doctor recommended giving my 13 month old daughter soy milk instead of regular milk. I've been getting the Silk brand with DHA and Omega. I'm not sure if this is considered "whole" soy milk though.

Eating Habits & Schedule

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31 answers

Breastfeeding Problems with Teething Baby

My daughter has been fussy lately with feeding. Until about a month ago, she always needed to nurse for at least 30-40 minutes at a time (at about 3-hour intervals), and she still feeds for that long sometimes, usually for the first and last feedings of the day. The problem: For most feedings lately, she'll eat for 3-5 minutes, stop to burp, and then fuss and push away from me if I try to put her back to the breast. Sometimes she'll eat for a few minutes on the other breast and then do the same thing. I think she needs to eat more...

Feeding Problems

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10 answers

Almost 2 Year Old Feeding Problems

my 20 month old is very small. i need him to gain weight but he just does not want to eat any meat or veggies. he is also allergic to eggs milk and cod fish. so i dont know how to get him to eat. he would rather starve than eat sometimes. i give him toddler formula but at dinnertime he just doesnt eat.


Diaper Rash Problems

I have a 14 month old son who has a TERRIBLE diaper rash. It isn't like his...


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10 answers

Meijer or Kroger

Has anyone compared prices at Meijer and Kroger? I can't tell which one has the lowest prices. It seems to me that maybe groceries are lower at Kroger while produce is lower at Meijer. There is no doubt that deli meats are lower at Meijer. I would rather shop at Kroger as it is less crowded and crazy, but not if I end up spending more. What have you all find to be best?


Lactation Consultant

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29 answers

Breastfeeding & Lactation

I'm very frustrated with breastfeeding. I never had issues with any of the boys; however, I remember supplementing with them. For whatever reason (maybe because she is the last), I feel the need to strictly breastfeed. I do have to pump most of the day because since the boys started school we are on the fly most of the time. My biggest problem is that by the evening, when I do have time to sit and enjoy my time with her, I don't have much milk. She is latched on to one side, and then the next, and then back to the first one, and then...

Nursing While Sick or Taking Medication

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34 answers

Has Anyone Used (Finugreek) While Breastfeeding?

Hi, I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old son. He just turned 4 months so he will be starting cereal. I haven't pumped any milk at all, I'm solely breastfeeding him. I'm worried that I won't have enought to pump and use in cereal and still feed him and him still be satisfied? My body is sensitive, so I'm afraid to take finugreek (probably spelled wrong) that it will dry up my milk??? So I was wanting to know if anyone had any taken it and made their milk dry up or any problems with it. I don't want to use formula if I don't have...


35 answers

Switching to Cows Milk

I just started my 11 and a half month old daughter on whole milk, my question is, what is whole milk? I have used the horizons organic whole milk just because it says whole on the carton, however, it is pretty expensive and do not mind using the regular gallons. Is whole milk just vitamin d? or both a and d? Just wondering because I would like to save some money just because everything is more nowadays.