Behavior: Infant, Nuby

See all 45 articles
9 answers

14 Month Old with Negative Change in Behavior

My son has recently been more moody then usual. He is throwing tantrums which he hasn't done before. I am also trying to introduce him to the sippy cup. He throws it and crys for his bottle which I am trying to reserve for naps and bedtime only. Is this behavior normal? Also any advice for transitioning to a sippy cup for a bottle attached little guy?


BPA In Baby Bottles

I have been reading a lot lately about BPA in baby bottles. I am starting...

Legal Trouble

9 answers

I Give Up!

I am convinced I am the worst mother on the planet. My son doesn't sleep... doesn't eat... throws food... isn't really talking more than doggie, dada and this, hits, bits, scratches, pinches, beats on the dogs, fights us on diaper changes, etc. The biggest ticket is he doesn't sleep.... last night he was up every 2 hours again. I've tried the major sleep methods out there... CIO ... no CIO, cosleeping, etc. I can't handle this anymore. He's coming up on 19 months and I'm still nursing. I can't get him to take any form of milk so that i can...