Seeking a Wedding Album Service

Updated on March 02, 2008
N.S. asks from Salt Lake City, UT
10 answers

I was married December 31, 2006 in a small ceremony at my home in Holladay, UT. My friend took pictures of the wedding, and for a wedding gift was going to have a professional photo album made for me. This never happened, I just recently received 4x5 snapshots of the wedding, and I am in the process of trying to get a disc of all the pictures(I am praying they have not been erased). I would like a recommendation of who to take the disk to that can create me a profeesional wedding album. Does anyone know of a good place?

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I live in Holladay also. I've always had great experiences with Inkley's. The quality of their photos is great & their employees are very knowledgeable & helpful. They have many locations, but the one I usually go to is on Highland Drive & maybe 2900-3000 South. I would take the disk to them & see what they can do. Good luck!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

If you end up not finding can always make your own on There's a couple other websites like kodakgallery, etc. but I've only done shutterfly. It's pretty self explanitory and pretty affordable. Good luck.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Inkleys does great work. I used to work for a modeling agency and that is where we had all of our photos printed. They have high quality paper and they are quick.



answers from Salt Lake City on

My brother owns a video production company. He took all my pictures from our wedding and made them into a fabulous DVD with music. This is another idea or option for you. I love ours! His website is



answers from Salt Lake City on

You could do a photo book online-- Winkflash or My Publisher are a couple of sites that have them.
Or if you wanted a more traditional scrapbook album, I do scrapbooking for hire. You can send me a message if you're interested and we could do a free consultation.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Another site to try, if you're interested in doing it yourself, is They are very well priced and have a lot of different things to choose from. Good luck with everything!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I don't know of anyone who does this, but you can do it yourself (the digital copies would work best, but if you need to, you can scan your 4x5 pictures, but they won't look as good). My favorite site is, but places like,, all have book maker programs. They are easy and so much fun. All published in a professionally bound book with professional photo paper. Depending on how many pictures you have, it can be as little as $15 to, well, hundreds. Most of the sites run specials fairly regularily or you can find coupon codes at



answers from Salt Lake City on

I am owner of Jolley Photography in South Jordan there is a company called Asuka books that also has a company called red boot design which designs wedding albums. You will have to look them up on the web.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I have two friends that have businesses in which they do photography and wedding albums.
Here are their websites for you to check out:
You can contact her on her website
If you want to contact Jenny, let me know and I'll give you her number. Thanks!



answers from Salt Lake City on

You could do it yourself. This past year I recently came in contact with Heritage Makers. Go to and check it out. There are two different systems with great embelishments and layouts that you can use and just add your pictures. One of the systems is free and the other costs $20 a month. Email me and I can set you up a basic account that you can go in and explore to see if it is something that you would be interested in. If you like the system but don't want to put it together yourself I would be more than happy to make it for you, and Heritage Makers is very reasonably priced. If I made it for you, one of the great things is that I would have you preview it before we print so that you would be happy with it. Let me know if you are interested. Good Luck with your search. My email is if you have any questions.

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