Mylicon Drops for Infants

Updated on August 12, 2010
J.C. asks from Riverton, WY
27 answers

I am considering trying these Mylicon drops for my 3 week old DS. I was wondering if anyone else had used them and to what success. It says on the package that it will help with the spitting up. I am nursing him and he seems to spit up more than he should. I have tried burping him more, limiting how long he feeds on each side, sitting him up after he feeds, watching what I am eating to see if there is a food that triggers it......nothing is working. He seems to be thriving as he can go 2-3 hrs between feeds. He is peeing well and pooping. We have discussed this issue with his doctor, but he isn't concerned at the moment. And I guess on a related note, how much did your 3 week old poop. I am not talking how often, but how much. I am changing a poopy diaper every time, but there is only an area about the size of a quarter (or less) of poop in the diaper. Is there anything else that I can try or do for my spitting baby?

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Every baby is different. I've learned that first hand (8 kids). Some spit up more than others or more than we think they should. If he is gaining weight and peeing and pooping, then don't worry about it. I know how it feels to smell like spit up all the time. As for the pooping, my baby was doing the same thing around that age. Everytime I changed him, he had gone. Some times it was just a little some times a lot. He is now 12 weeks and he actually has some diapers that are just pee.



answers from Denver on

My second daughter spit up a lot too and it got a lot better after I gave up dairy for a while (2-3 months). If you decide to do that, feel free to drop me a note and I'll help you with some tips. I think the big thing is how uncomfortable he seems. I've never heard of mylicon being used for spit up--just gas. Good luck! Hang in there!



answers from Denver on

I used them with my daughter and they did seem to help how much my daughter spit up, but don't expect miracles she still spit up a lot. Both my kids were spit up king and queen until we started introducing solids.

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answers from Dallas on

I would have never made it through breast feeding without Mylicon drops!! I even watched what I was eating to see if that was the issue, but it just seemed that she spit up with everything. Acid reflux was not the problem, so I tried Mylicon drops. My daughter still spit up, but not nearly as much, and it really seemed to help with her comfort level also. I loved them so much that I always throw some in any baby shower gift I buy for friends.

As far as the pooping goes, sometimes the diaper was full and sometimes it wasn't. Don't worry about that. As long as your baby is seems happy and your doctor isn't concerned, just enjoy that sweet baby.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Some babies spit up a ton. I didn't see anywhere that you said he was uncomfortable. Is he having gas pains? Or any discomfort after feedings? This is whay Mylicon is really for. If he is eating a lot, not uncomfortable, and he's gaining weight, then I don't know that there is anything to worry about. My second baby spit up a ton, but there was not discomfort. There are some other natural things you can try if you want to reduce the spit up....Some people have already commented on here. :)


answers from Fort Collins on

I have a 4 yo and and 8 wk old and everything you said sounds totally normal to me. Both of my boys were/are breastfed exclusively. My first spit up all of the time. He also was thriving - big baby, happy, developed well/on time or early. He was just a spitter. Never seemed upset by it. He did get gas often and the mylicon worked great for that. I think it would only help with spitting if it was caused by a gas bubble. It won't hurt to try is not absorbed into their system, so it is safe. Works only on the gas in the belly.

My 8 wk old still poops a lot...although not as much as he did at 3wks. Most diapers I change are also poopy but have not much at all in them. Sometimes it is much less than a quarter size even. I think that is all totally normal and nothing to worry about. Once they start eating solids at 6mths or so the poop will change again.



answers from Denver on

Babies spit up for four reasons, and their are natural ways you can treat them all.
1. The valve between their stomach and esophagus is immature. You can treat this with a few drops of a tincture of catnip and fennel. Or try any of the calm tummy formulas by herbs for kids or wish garden.
2. They have a hiatal hernia. This is caused when their stomach gets pushed up under their diaphragm. It also happens in adults. With adults, it is stress, with babies it is that their abdominal muscles are not strong enough to hold their organs in place yet. A chiropractic adjustment will fix this problem. OR you can hold the baby upside down by the ankles and swing them just slightly. This will align their back. Then you can put a thumb or finger just underneath their sternum, and when they exhale literally pull the stomach down toward the belly button. If this is the problem then you may need to pull the stomach down periodically until his muscles get stronger.
3. He is allergic or sensitive to something you are eating. Typically it is dairy foods, but the other seven major allergens or gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt), shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and soy. If it is a food sensitivity the above things may help, but will not stop the spitting up. It takes 7 days for dairy protein to get out of your system, so you would need to stop eating it for over a week to see if that is the problem.
4. This is random--my youngest had helilcobactor--the bacteria that causes ulcers in adults. I was a carrier because, believe it or not, our dog had it. We didn't figure this out until he was a year old. I treated it by taking mastic gum that he got through the breast milk and this solved the problem.

You can also drink mother's milk tea---the marshmallow and slipper elm is very soothing for the baby's tummy.

If you have questions, let me know and I'll help more :-)



answers from New York on

I had both sides of the spit up experiences.... my oldest didn't spit up a drop... I never even put a bib on him.
BUT his younger siblings (twins) spit up so much I was in tears... for weeks.
I had so much spitting up, I really didn't think my one twin was even keeping anything down......
Then lots of extra burping helped... and just when you think there was no burp to hear (5 minutes of burping almost).... you pat some more and there comes that burp.
But looking back, I think it was just a matter of breaking up the feeding into a few minutes at a time .... with burping in between....
In my case one twin was bottle fed by dad, while the other was breasfed by mom..... in the beginning , it took 30-45 minutes until everyone was content with how much they ate.... and then we started over two hours later.

When using a bottle, my husband would burp after every ounce.
No, really.... every ounce.
we had progress... and then regressed a few times..... this was probably the 4-8 week age.
Then it starts to get better... and you'll move on to other topics, like getting the baby to sleep thru the night.
The stress for us parents was really overwhelming, since my oldest was a breeze to feed and sleep.
We did try various types of drops and even expensive gripe water.... (since the other twin was a gassy baby, not a spit up baby, we dealt with both problems)..... I would say it was a marginal improvement from either one..

Also, the twins had the same little poops for a while...... don't worry... it is so early and the digestion is just getting started .... it takes time to develop and run like a well oiled machine!!!
Good luck.... and remember to take care of yourself too.... it is stressful, we all know it.



answers from Atlanta on

They're for gas -I've never heard of using them for spit up, and my doctor said you literally couldn't use too much of it, but you have to give it regularly. Some people think it helps and some don't. It did seem to help my first baby with gas, especially at night time.



answers from New York on

I agree with the last post, mylicon drops will help with gas, no so much for spitting up. Try to keep baby upright in your arms for 15-20 mins after feedings. Sometimes if you sit him up there is still pressure on his belly. He may just be eating too much and his little tummy can't hold it. My second son spit up soooo much for about 3 months, but there was nothing wrong with him (no acid reflux, still gaining weight).

I remember my boys pooping all the time in the stuff, huh!!




answers from Cheyenne on

I love Mylicon! I laughingly call them "the miracle drops" because I felt I could give them for anything and they helped :-)!!! I used them for gas, "upset" tummies (when they are pulling up their legs to the belly and crying like they are in pain or spitting up lots), during teething and also when they would just cry and after checking all the usual culprits, I had no clue so I just gave them (because as someone previous has already said, you can't overdose them on Mylicon because it doesn't actually get absorbed into their system) and it was amazing because more times than not, the crying stopped, the gas stopped and the world was better! More times than not, it was probably the "sugar" placebo effect, but it worked for me and so I swear by them! Give them a try-can't hurt!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

My son never really spit up when he was a baby...I think he slurped up anything that tried to come out of his mouth...but he did have a occasional gas and bloating issues. The Mylicon drops worked fine for him. Actually, I used for occasional stomach issues until he was about 5 years old and it always worked.



answers from Indianapolis on

We asked the pediatrician about Mylicon to help control gas/bloating in both kids. Their advice, 2 years apart, didn't waiver. If you use it proactively, it has a small impact in the average child. That means you have to give it consistently and not to treat the issues when they begin.

Neither of my kids spit up, some kids are just prone to it. You may just have a baby that needs a few more weeks to adjust and to the rapidly changing development of an infant.

However, I'd call your pediatrician to see what they recommend. My friend used gripe water, but I was uncomfortable since it wasn't approved for the use in infants and is anecdotal only in effectiveness.

Good luck.



answers from Denver on

All babies spit up differently, I had a girlfriend whose children spit up about every 10 minutes and it was so much she had to change their clothes several times per day and have a bib on them constantly yet her kids still thrived. They did this for almost the first entire year.

My children were all different, my first barely did at all, my second seemed to spit up all the time and my third was moderate. My advice is to listen to the doc on this one. If your baby is thriving, then I wouldn't worry, it is just par for the course, just one more thing to add to the years of worry. = )

Now all that being said, I found a couple of things that helped us out with upset tummies and spitting up. The first, indeed, was Mylicon and then we found the wonder treatment with Gripe Water by Baby Bliss, it is 100% natural and you can pick it up at Walgreens. It was a lifesaver for us.

Now for your situation, I am not sure I would bother if your baby is just spitting up. I would use this if you think your baby is uncomfortable with the spitting up. No sense in treating a symptom that is 100% normal for a baby. If you really do think he is spitting up excessively (like my girlfriends babies) then by all means, give it a try. Both of these meds are perfectly safe.

Good luck!



answers from Boise on

I have had two spitters. Nothing has worked with sitting up, etc. I was told maybe it was my let down, and she was eating too much. My only advice is to use receiving blankets as burp cloths, and that they do grow out of it.

As long as he doesn't seem to be in pain from spitting and it isn't a true projectile spit (they can get some normal distance), I have been told that there is nothing to worry about. Believe me, you get used to it...just bring a spare shirt, and sometimes pants, with you. For you!



answers from New York on

how bout leaning him up higher while he is feeding. I used mylicon for gas.. and it worked.. not sure about the throwing up part. Also what are you eating.. maybe the food you are eating is causing him problems.. or her.. try chaning your diet.. try yogurt.. bananas, cereal,,,, maybe less fruit and veggies... as sometimes the acid can cause this.. how about chicken and steak.. sometimes babies need this... good luck..



answers from Philadelphia on

Mylicon is great. Make sure to watch what you eat. This will effect him also. No broccoli or green peppers for example. Newborns poop all the time. it is normal. You are doing great.



answers from Gainesville on

Some babies just spit up. That's reality. My son was a spitter and my daughter rarely (if ever) spit up. It's hard to know if your baby is really spitting up excessively because none of us are there. Usually if there is severe reflux involved you would know it-massive spitting up, baby crying in pain, arching because of the pain, etc. But some spitting up definitely falls in the within normal category for a tiny infant. I would just ride it out for now and not introduce any drugs or medications unless necessary. Your son is very, very young and his body is still adjusting to feedings rather than what he got inutero.

And as a side note-never limit how long a breastfed baby feeds. Breastfed babies are very adept at getting what they need and when. Especially right now. Your little one is regulating and building your supply.



answers from Provo on

mylicon has worked for gas for my babies but their spitting up turned out to be acid reflux. 2 of mine took prevacid for it for a few months.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I tried the drops and they didn't work much with my boys. I would go ahead and see if it works for you. I have one that would spit up a ton and my doctor put him on Zantac and it really helped with the spitting up. You might try elavating him while he sleeps. If I remember correctly, they don't poop a ton when they are first born. So as long as you are getting something in the diapers then I wouldn't worry yourself over it. Good Luck!



answers from Denver on

My experience with Mylicon drops is that they made me feel better, not so much for the baby. My suspicisions were confirmed with the doctor when he told me that they were worthless. If you feel you must get them, do yourself a favor and get them at Walmart where they are at least $3 cheaper a bottle and if I recall correctly, they also have generic version.

Babies spit up. It doesn't sound as if he has reflux, which one of my boys had. You might want to talk to the doctor about Zantac, which definitely helped with the spitting up.

The poop pile seems to be a bit small but if he's growing and thriving, I wouldn't worry. Stay calm mamma! I know it's so hard to do so, especially if it's your first.



answers from Dallas on

We tried these for our son and they made him projectile vomit - go figure - they have citrus in them - which will upset the tummy. For gas - we just would do baby situps. Good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

Have you tried cutting out ALL dairy? That's what I had to do for my daughter (now 4 months) I don't mean just milk and cheese, I have to cut out everything with any dairy. I have to read labels and if it says it has any dairy, I don't eat it. It made a world of difference for us. Yes, it is hard for me, but totatlly worth it to have a happier baby. She still spits some, but not nearly like she used to.
For the Mylicon drops, I used them on my son a couple times without any success.


answers from Chicago on

Mylicon never worked for my DS. At all.
We had better success with with a grip water called Colic Calm (you can get it at CVS). It's all natural - which didn't really matter to me, but if you care... - and the natural charcoal in it worked wonders for our little guy.

It does turn his poop black, but again, it's just the charcoal.

DS pooped more than that usually. He was a diaper filler. But if your doctor isn't concerned, I really wouldn't worry about it.


answers from Dallas on

Mylicon drops are great for a gassy baby, but not so much for spit up. My DD used to projectile spit up almost every time she ate, but the doctor said she was fine. She was breastfed and was a little chubby baby, but cleaning up the nasty stuff was not so fun! Make sure you have LOTS of burprags and lots of resolve for stains. :)
Newborns poop very often, especially breastfed ones, so at first it won't be a lot in each diaper, but just often. Congrats on the new baby!



answers from Boise on


All of the things you are experiencing with your baby are completely normal. This is why your ped is not concerned. My daughter did the same. Don't limit the amount of time he is nursing, he needs it. Spitting up, alot, is normal...most babies do it. I tried the drops with both of my kids and they were useless. I don't know how old they have to be to..but don't stock up on hem, they really don't work! Well that is in my opinion anyhow. Some ppl think they do...
Pooping is normal too....everything is fine, you just need to keep changing the baby, diaper and clothes as well...get bibs that have double siding, like at Carters...they don't go through the other save on how often you have to change his clothes.
Good luck my dear, God Bless and congrats!



answers from Denver on

We used mylicon drops with both of my girls when they were infants, and it really seemed to help. I also reduced the amount of dairy foods that I ate, because that seemed to make them spit up more. Good luck!

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