Loosing Milk Supply!! Help

Updated on January 16, 2017
S.D. asks from Deltona, FL
37 answers

Hello mommies! I need help in building up my breastmilk supply. Any ideas? I returned to work full time when my baby was 3 months and am only able to pump once at work. he is 6 months now and after 3 months at work my supply has signifcantly dropped. I can only get about 2 - 3 oz now. Any ideas will be helpfull. Thanks

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone for all your help!! I am going to the store for some oatmeal and to look for the tea. I am also going to pump after he is done eating and let my supervisor know that I need to pump more often at work. It's not her fault, I'm just worried about getting the mail out before I take any breaks or lunch. (I work at the Post Office) Thanks again to all!

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answers from Jacksonville on

It all works by supply and demand. Increase the demand (pumping frequency) and you'll increase the supply. A great website on breastfeeding is www.kellymom.com, click on breastfeeding in the left side menu and then under "concerns" click on "got milk?" Good luck!!

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answers from Panama City on

This started to happen to me with my first baby after 4 months of breastfeeding. I just started drinking LOTS of water and my supply came back!! I also had to pump more often as well. These two things combined helped me, hope it helps you too!


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answers from Orlando on

There are alot of great things here!! I am a dietetics graduate and I can tell you that drinking gallons of water will not change it. Definitely more pumping will increase your supply. For myself, if I pump in between feedings, I produce more. I too have heard about the oatmeal, but honestly I think proper nutrition and hydration in general is going to be your best bet. My LC has told me to drink an 8oz glass of water during my nursing and that is basically so that I dont "forget" to drink my water. --because we all know that it happens while caring for our little ones! --I too have a 2 1/2 yr old and 6 1/2 month old! :)

Good luck and I hope that since your post things have gotten bette.r

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answers from Fort Walton Beach on

Well, breastfeeding is about supply and demand. I have nursed 3 avidly and my youngest is also 6 months. Is he on solids? You have to feed him more often when home. Always offer your breast first before solids. It is all he really needs. You could also pump more if possible. That is really all you can do to keep it up. Certain herbs help with this, but call your local herb shop for advice... I don't want to steer you wrong. Remember you are doing all you can given your situation. Do NOT give up.....

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answers from Jacksonville on

Your milk is supply and demand...drinking water won't increase it. You're milk comes in when needed. It's going down because you're not feeding/pumping as much as you were before you went back to work. The only way to increase it is to add another pumping at work or feeding at home. I lived in Indiana and their were laws that said a woman could pump whenever she needed too. Back home my old employer couldn't tell me I couldn't pump. I don't know if it's different in Florida, but it's worth checking out!
Good article on increasing supply.

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answers from Panama City on


Really, the only thing I can think of is to pump as often as possible. In order to keep it going, there has to be stimulation of the milk glands and that only comes from either pumping or nursing. You may need to set your alarm and pump at different intervals at night if you can't do it in the day time.

Take Care and congratulations on nursing and giving your little one the best he can get for nutrition.
Mom of 4
Nursed a total of 5 years

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answers from Orlando on

Ok the truth of the matter is that unless you are latching him on your supply will drop. You have to latch him on as much as possible when you are home. The trigger to your supply is his salivary glands. The pump will help but will not keep the supply up. Your baby is the only one that will. Trust me from experience. I breast fed 2 children. You can also drink ALOT of water and go to your nearest GNC and ask them for a tea that helps to produce more breast milk. I drank it (i cant remember the name) and I could of breast fed twins with the amount of milk I was producing. So latch on, drink lots of water and this great tea and you will see an increase in your supply. I believe you are suppose to drink the tea 1/2 before each feeding or pumping. You can add honey or a little sugar to the tea if you wish. Hope this helps.

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answers from Orlando on

your supply will regulate based on need. Since he isn't nursing during the day, your supply will drop. You should have plenty for him in the evening and weekends. I would suggest pumping while he eats at night. Let him eat on one side and pump the other. His nursing will stimulate the let down on the pump side and you'll be able to get more. You can also try Mother's Milk tea. You can also try pumping more frequently during the day. The body takes 2-3 days to adjust the supply for the demand.

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answers from Fort Walton Beach on

hello S.,
When I was breastfeeding my son the same thing happened to me, of course I freaked out because I planned on breastfeeding until he was over a year old. So I started searching online and found an article saying that oatmeal helped. So I ate oatmeal every morning (and sometimes for a midnight snack after feeding) and honestly I did see an increase in my supply. definately something worth trying. Also if you check out this website: http://www.babycenter.com/breastfeeding-basics

and also the Le Leche League has mountains of information. here is thier website.... http://www.llli.org/nb.html
You can also talk to your doctor, a lot of doctors have information about people that are associated with the Le Leche League in your area. Often times they can make home visits to help you out.
Hope this helps!


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answers from Jacksonville on

Same thing happened to me. I went to the homeopathy store and got some pills - they HELPED! I can't remember the name but there were some pills I took and some tea I drank. My husband called my tea (titty tea) - funny. Seriously though, it helped me so give it a try! Also, my lactation consultant told me to pump even when nothing is coming out - keep the pump on there for another 15 minutes. If you can swing it - pump in the middle of the night or as much as you can. After your baby eats (if he still uses your breast) pump when he is done to continue. I live in Jax and used Weise Pharmacy in Ortega. Look on-line - there are options for the pills or tea too but I'd go to the homeopathy store so you know you're getting something natural. It's worth it for your baby! Good luck

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answers from St. Louis on

Hi S.,

I've been breastfeeding for almost 11 months now and I work from home so I'm always here with my baby. About a month ago I was experiencing less milk flow and I had no idea why. I started drinking a protein shake (25g of whey) for breakfast and moved my eggs and oatmeal to lunch and after less than a week of this diet I noticed my baby is more full after nursing, I can tell there is more milk because she is swallowing a lot more, plus I don't feel empty most of the day anymore. But I started with the protein (high quality protein) because I read that it is the most required nutrient for milk production, B vitamins coming in second.

I agree, drink a LOT of water (not tap, of course) *YOU HAVE TO DO THIS* I drink about 30oz of water every couple of hours.

If you can't always pump at work, try expressing the milk by hand. I recently had to do that because my baby bit a whole in my nipple and in order for it to heal fastest I had to use the method with the least amount of movement. But milking by hand works and once you get the hang of it, its really easy to do and the milk comes out really fast. So if you can only pump once, use your bathroom breaks to hand express.

Oh and yes you need more demand so when you're home with your baby try feeding him every 90 minutes maybe and the empty sucking, I agree with that too. It lets your body know you're baby needs more milk and so it starts working to make it.

Good job and I hope you keep it up. I've gotten through a lot to keep breastfeeding my baby. I will never give up. I know its easir when you're home but if I had to work I'd do everything I could possibly do to make it work.

If you want it bad enough you'll find a way to make it happen!

Never give up!
M. =)

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answers from Jacksonville on

I am in the process of breastfeeding my 3rd child and pumping at work as well. YOur milk supply decreases and increases based on your child's demand. When you are at work, I know it is inconvenient and takes up time but you have to pump at least twice a day if not more. Your supply has decreased because your body thinks that is all the baby is eating since you are only pumping once a day. The only way to increase your supply is to drink lots of water and pump more. The benefits of breastmilk far outweigh the inconvenience. If you have to stay at work 15-20minutes later to make up for the extra pumping then do it.

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answers from Boca Raton on

The more you take, the more you make. Liquid in, liquid out is a myth. Your body will take fluid from anywhere else to make your milk for your baby. You could drink 10 gallons a day, it wont increase your milk supply. Supply and demand.

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answers from Tallahassee on

I also ran into this road block and I tried my best to keep up with my son. he is 10 months now and I only breast feed him when we are together. When I am at work he gets formula. He is doing great. I responded to reccommend you try eating oatmeal and almonds, the lactation consultant at the "best beginings" store recommended that and ovaltine, carryway seeds and alfafa spouts or capsules and some herbal supplements too. For me I mainly stuck with the oatmeal and some almonds and I noticed a difference during my lunch and right at closing time I was able to pump about 10 to 12 oz. I just found it so hard to pump and I was always so tired that I slept when he slept in the evenings. they also say the first milk in the am is normally alot and extra filling if you could pump before work and save that milk. I tried that too but I am just not a fast mover in the morning and I hated sitting that with the pump just going. By the end before I gave up I was eating oatmeal cookies. Just for an easy way to get it in. not exactly most healthy but it was what I could do. I hope this helps. GOD bless you!! Keep up the hard steady work!!

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answers from Orlando on

Sorry about your loss of supply. I have heard this is common when with working Moms. However, there is a product that my best friend swears by. It is called More Milk Plus. I dont know if the price will scare you off, but here is a link. I hope it helps!

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answers from Tallahassee on

You probably need to make this a pumping weekend. Pump as often as you can, preferably every 2-3 hours. You could also go get some Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle. I was on both of those herbs bc I had a very low supply and they did help. Is there a lactation consultant you can contact at the hospital? If so, they may be able to give you some more ideas. Best of luck!

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answers from Jacksonville on

It's so great that you are taking the time and energy to help your baby stay on breastmilk. I would suggest these things, they all worked for me with my four kids. At about 5 am, when baby wakes for that first mornign feeding, feed on one side and pump on the other while baby is nursing. It is easier for your body to let the milk flow if you are nursing and at this time of day, your supply if the greatest. Then eat a nice bowl of oatmeal every morning with some fruit. I recommend the weight control because it has high fiber and protien, good for milk making momma's. The oatmeal does help build your milk supply. When you pump at work, make sure you keep on schedule, don't let yourself put it off until it's too late. Try not to pump after noon. Also, right before you drop off baby, at the daycare, feed him until you are empty and he is full. That will cut down onthe number of bottles he needs and will also help your body make more milk to keep up with the demand. Make sure you always let him have 5 more minutes than you think he needs. The "empty" sucking will result in more milk within 2 days. As soon as you pick him up, feed him as much as he will take and pump off the rest. Try to let the sitter know exactly when you will be arriving, so she doesn't give him a bottle 15 minutes before you arrive. Even if you have to nurse in the car, make sure you nurse him. As soon as you get home, pump whatever is left, even if it's only an ounce, let your body know you are demanding more milk in the evenings, which is normal even for stay at home babies. In the evenings and on weekends, le tthe baby power nurse, did you notice about a month ago, that the baby allof the sudden nursed every hour for days? That's how your body gets the message to make more milk and it usually takes about 24-48 hours to see the results of power nursing. Also, if you like hot tea. Get yourself a favorite mug and prepare your tea or decaf coffee before you nurse. These routines will ehlp your body allow the flow of milk. It helps to have some things that you do every time you pump to let your mind get in milk mode. If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to email me and I will give you my number. You are doing a great job and the extra effort you put out for your babies sake is worth a pat on the back. I believe that most moms quit because it's too hard and takes too much of their time and effort.

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answers from Orlando on

Hey S.
when u breastfeed in order to build up your milk supply you need to pump more often because the more you pump out the more you will generate and then your cup will be overflowing and one more idea is if you are using a machine to pump, the most natural way i found which is massage the breast and then the milk will come down just smoosh it all around then squeeze the areola area i got so good i could squirt my husband across the room lol just be natural and dont stress about it there will be plenty of milk for you!!

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answers from Tallahassee on

I suggest nursing like crazy at night and on the weekends and the next few days after that your body will make more to keep up with the demand, so you can pump more. When it's just you and him, don't give him a bottle, so he can nurse and build up the demand for your body to create more milk. You could also try to pump between feedings on the weekend and all that will give a signal to your body that it needs to make more milk. It worked for me. I was in the situation that I pumped for my brother's baby who wouldn't breastfeed and loved the bottle. Her mom couldn't pump enough to give her the breastmilk, so in order to build my supply to have enough for my baby and hers, I started nursing mine whenever he wanted to nurse and then some. Then I would pump in between feedings and after a couple of days my breasts were getting engorged like they did after my baby was born in the hospital, so I was able to pump out a lot more milk than in the begining and keep her baby supplied as well as feed my own.
I hope this helps! Good luck and may God Bless! Don't give up!

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answers from Orlando on

Make sure you are drinking enough water. If you're at work and you're busy, you might not be getting hydrated enough, and that will definitely decrease your supple. I only pumped because my kids would never latch on, and I pumped 3 times a day, but at each pumping I would pump a 5 ounce bottle out of each breast. Also, when you get home from work, try pumping once an hour or so. Even if you only get a drop or two out, that suction will tell your body that your baby is demanding more, and it will start to produce accordingly. But remember, water, water, water! Hope this helps.

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answers from Miami on

I'm sure all the mommies will write in and tell you but you have to try to pump more often if you want to keep your supply up. It literally is all demand related - the more you take out, the more your body makes. I used to take a supplement called Mothers Milk - you can buy it at Whole Foods in a blue bottle. Also, I personally feel that the stress you feel at work which causes you to rush your pumping doesn't help the problem. I breastfeed for six months exclusively - the last four of which I was back at work, but I had to pump three times a day and an extra pump at night after she went to bed to keep up with my baby girl. Do what you can and try not to stress about it - if you have to supplement with a little formula then do that. You won't get more milk by worrying. Good luck!

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answers from Miami on

Hi S.,

The woman who said that you would loose supply if your son doesn't physically latch on is nuts. My son wasn't ever able to latch for medical reasons but I pumped and he was took breastmilk through a bottle for his first year! I went back to work at 6 months and also only pumped once during the work day.

Some suggestions: pump before and after work in your car!!! I used to drape a beach towel over myself and sit and listen to the radio while I pumped. I had a friend who had a handsfree pump set up and she used to pump while she drove her commute!

Then, make sure that you breastfeed your son as normal when you are home.

Keep a picture of your son in your pump bag so that you can look at it while pumping! Keep your water intake up!!! It really helps with milk production and I know I tend to drink less when at work - keep a water bottle handy! The person who suggested getting a last pump in before bed (if your son isn't awake to nurse) was on target, if your son will sleep through the pump noise, pump while watching him sleep. I could get 14oz when I did that little trick!!

Keep pumping and try to keep your stress levels down. I had about a week when I had a major deadline at work, and I had trouble getting more than 1oz at a time, but kept pumping and fortunately, I had lots of frozen breastmilk so I didn't have to go to formula, but as soon as the deadline was done, supply seemed to come back.

Hang in there!!!

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answers from Miami on

Hi, S.. Try drinking more water during the day. Also, see if you can pump some more before or after work at home. Let baby nurse as often as possible. You can also stimulate your nipples more, even if you can't get any milk out, because the stimulation of the nipples and aureolas stimulates the hormones that produce the milk.


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answers from Daytona Beach on

The best way to increase your supply is to pump and feed as often as possible. When you aren't at work feed your baby constantly. I know it sounds crazy, but it won't take long for your body to start making more milk. There are mother's milk teas you can buy at health food stores. I've heard that oatmeal helps, fenugreek (an herb). I also would pump after every feeding. When the milk stops coming out, just relax and let the machine go for a little bit longer. This will tell you body that it needs to make more milk. Make sure you are driking tons of water!!! Visit the la leche league site they have women that you can call for free that will give you advice as well.
God Bless,

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answers from Melbourne on

While there are many different foods and supplements that help in milk production the only thing that is really going to keep your milk supply up is by increasing the demand. Is there any way you can pump at least one more time during the day. Have you tried talking to your supervisor? If you don't have one, I would recommend a double pump, I know they are expensive but they are very efficient, so it should only take you 15 minutes or so to pump. If it's not possible, maybe you can add an extra pumping session at night.

There is also a tea called Mother's Milk that is suppose to aid in milk production. I know someone recommended eating tunafish but I would be very careful as canned tuna contains very high levels of mercury and i don't think you should eat it more than once a week at most.
Good Luck!



answers from Orlando on

Goat's Rue was wonderful! My lactation consultant recommended it to me. You can get it as a tincture from any whole foods place.

Good luck!



answers from Jacksonville on

Fenugreek is an herbal supplement that you can take to help increase your milk supply. You can find it at GNC or any health food store. I usually took two every time that I ate. It increases your milk supply but also may give you a maple syrup type smell as well.

How often are you nursing your son when you are with him?



answers from Melbourne on

Another food to help increase production, believe it or not is cheesecake! My sister was told to eat it when she was also having a hard time with milk production. Also, definitely keep your fluid intake up. Your body will adapt to your nursing schedule but you have to help a little bit. Try, when leaving work, to drink water on the way home to give it time to get into your system in preparation for your baby. Most of all, don't stress over it! A happy mommy makes for a happy baby:-)




answers from Providence on

Healthy nursing tea is an organic herbal supplement which really helped with my milk production.



answers from Boca Raton on

S., I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, but that's so wonderful you're continuing to breastfeed even after you went back to work!
I hate to tell you this, but you really just need to pump more. Your body produces enough to meet the demand and if you're only nursing in the morning and at night your supply with drop. A few things that I've learned that you can try (first two are really key):
-pump after nursing every time. Your son will most likely not drink all and if you empty completely your body will be tricked into thinking it needs to make more for next time. (this will also help prevent you from getting mastitis)
-drink LOTS of water (and make sure you're eating enough too)
-there's an herbal tea called "Mothers Milk" you can get at healthfood stores. It's not that tasty, but it does help a little. Beer is also helpful (and tasty) - obviously I'm not advocating drinking while breastfeeding, but one beer should not get you drunk. Suposedly, the darker the beer the better, but I noticed even an amstel light a night did the trick. p.s. There are strips that you can buy now from babysrus to test alcohol levels if you are worried - it turns a dark color if there is still alcohol in your bm



answers from Orlando on

I don't know how or why but a friend of mine was prescribed to drink one amber/dark beer a day for increased milk production. Ask you Doctor about it...as I had never heard of it before she brought it up. Good luck and God Bless.



answers from Miami on

Can you pump more at work? This is very important. Also, in Whole Foods and other health stores there are teas and other supplements that help women lactate. One of them is called Fenugreek; not sure of the spelling.

You can also contact Kellymoms.com? Do you nurse him consistently when you get home?

Let us know how things go.



answers from Boca Raton on

The following things helped me while I was breastfeeding and when I went back to work:

Drink a lot of water! Use a plug in, mechanical pump (not a hand pump) - they are much more efficient, it doubled my output ... you can rent them too. Try to get plenty of sleep.

Too bad you can only pump once -- I believe breastmilk works on supply and demand -- so with you only demanding it once during the workday -- your supply might very well decrease. Idealy, you would be pumping each time your child would be nursing .. but I know, that's not condusive to the workplace.

Make sure you nurse over the weekend on your regular schedule ... maybe that will help your body understand that you still need it ot produce it during the week!

Good luck ---



answers from Miami on

Aren't there laws that allow you to pump more than once a day? I mean maybe 15 minutes every 1 1/2 hours or so. Smokers take more than that.



answers from Miami on

if you drink a dark beer it will help increase the milk supply and doesn't hurt the baby, also cabbage, and almonds



answers from Jacksonville on

Have you tried Organic Mother's Milk tea. You can buy it at GNC stores. I use it about 3 times a day and can see a big change in the amount I produce. Also you might want to try and power pump at night. Try pumping for 10 minutes then resting for 10 and then pumping for 10 for about an hour. You migh not get alot at the pumps but it helps build up for whne you do pump. Trying doing this about 2 times a week and maybe once on the weekend.

I hope it works.



answers from Orlando on

Eat pleanty of tuna fish, carrots, beans and dairy. Drink while you breast feed. then alternate twenty minutes each breast (basically use on breast every feeding time). The supply will come in and your going to have to freeze it. Also expect drips when your not home... good luck.

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