Leapfrog Vs. Vsmile

Updated on October 28, 2009
S.S. asks from Arlington Heights, IL
16 answers

My daughter will be turning 4 next month and we are considering a handheld game system for her. What is you opinion and/or experience on the Leapfrog Leapster vs the VSmile Cyber Pocket.

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answers from Chicago on

I have both also I have a 8,4,3 and 5month old I LOVE the Leapster and it holds up so well and has games for such a nice range....All 3 boys play with it..My v-smile just sits:( Go for the leapster!



answers from Chicago on

Both of my daughters had Leapsters and loved them. They recommended them so highly that my friend bought one for each of her kids too. I did have a problem with one of the units when I bought it and contacted LeapFrog. They sent me a new one by next day mail, no questions asked. They have great customer service. The girls have now moved on to the Nintendo DS. I am just getting ready to list theirs on ebay. If you are interested contact me off list.

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answers from Chicago on

we have both. i think the leapster is better. there are more games, the system is easier, and mine have learned so much from it. my 2 year old learned all of his letter sounds from the letter factory! you can't find it in stores but you can buy that game on ebay. it doesn't eat up batteries as much either. good luck.

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answers from Chicago on

We have Leapsters for our now 4 & 5 y.o (boy & girl). The oldest toy is almost 3 y.o. and still works great and engages our child. The games grow with the kids. We travel a lot with the toys. The VSMILE does offer a feature that you can plug into the TV. The Leapsters we have do not do that but I think the Leapster LMAX can. Originally, I did not think this feature was that big of deal but the oldest one recently said something that made me think she would have enjoyed it. The Leapster2 does allow you to plug into the computer. We use the LeapFrog Learning Path with the TAG readers and really like it. Also, "unlocking prizes" and having a computer interface helps to keep the toy fresh them and not just sitting on the shelf.

Both brands have the small game cartridges. We lost one of them early on. Since then, the kids have learned to keep all the leapster stuff in the Leapster Messenger bag. This accessory has worked well for us.

Join the Leapster site for good savings. These expire Oct 29.

TBL2HW - Leapster 2 for $49.99+ free shipping
TBL25W - 20% off leapster games



answers from Chicago on

My daughter also has the leapster 2 but doesn't seem to be into games that much. I think it is because she doesn't have the greatest hand/eye coordination (like her mom!) and finds it challenging. She much prefers to use the computer at home. I haven't used the V-tech at all. Also, the games run about $25 but occassionally Target and TRU will hold sales for about $17 each. I buy a whole bunch then and handed them out as I saw fit. Also, sign up at Leaspter.com and register your toy and they will also send you emails when they put their games on sale.



answers from Chicago on

We just got my son a Leapster 2 for his birthday.He loves it, and the games seem pretty easy. We just ordered a few new games from Amazon for x-mas that were under $10. We got the system on sale at Toy R Us.I highly reccommend it!



answers from Chicago on

my kids have the handheld leapster & really love it.....we also have the tv adapter so they can play together but we havent used that yet.......you can go to the leapster website & get better prices most of the time than at the stores



answers from Chicago on

My girls have the leapster and they love them.



answers from Chicago on

Hi S. S
My Daughter is now 5, loves all of her leapfrog stuff. She has been reading & writing for about a year now. The Leapster is great, however make sure you look at their other products too, they are fantastic!




answers from Chicago on

We have had both. The Leapster is the best. My son is six now and still uses it.



answers from Chicago on

My 7 year old son has the handheld Leapster (best gift he got for his 7th birthday) and my 4 year old daughter plays with it, although not sure she quite understands it since she is not yet reading. You don't even need to buy any games, it does come with several built in with coloring and drawing activities. We also have the V-Smile for the t.v., but it does require a certain amount of hand eye coordination! Watch for the games to go on sale (they are on sale at Target this week).



answers from Chicago on

I'm not sure about the Vsmile but I bought my daughter the pink Leapster 2 for christmas last year & after about 2 months the sound went out on the system which made it useless. I would not recommend it as I went online to message boards & the leapfrog website to find a way to fix it & it seems that this is a pretty common problem with them. The solution that was listed on the leapfrog site didn't work either so it was useless.


answers from Chicago on

Leapfrog Leapster is great my kids love it. But we also have the v-smile tv which the kids can play together so it is a toss up.



answers from Lafayette on

My kids love their Leapfrog Tag pens.



answers from Chicago on

My older kids had the Leapster and it was great. I actually still have one that I am saving for my little one once she is old enough. I was going to get the Leapfrog Didj (sp?) but never actually got the chance to go get it, and then my husband got them Nintendo DS so they didn;t even want it anymore.



answers from Chicago on

My 2 boys have the Leapfrog hand held and they love it. they try and take them where ever thay can. Not only that but they're also durable. They've dropped them so many times and they still function very well. Your little girl will love what ever you get her. Good luck.

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