How to Break My 13 1/2 Month Old of Her Bottle

Updated on February 20, 2008
A.S. asks from Chagrin Falls, OH
8 answers

My 13 1/2 month old LOVES her bottle. She will not drink from a sippy cup and needs it to fall asleep...any tips on how to break this habit? She never did take a pacifier..

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Thanks for al the advise...I will try the "cold turkey" routine this weekend...

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answers from Indianapolis on

Only thing you can do it take it away..and throw it away. If the bottles are not in reach you can not give in. She will cry herself to sleep for a couple night, but end up taking the cup. Hard to hear them cry, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do...I have had to....its not fun.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Cold turkey worked for me. Out of sight, out of mind! Good luck! Also Have you tried Nuby Sippy cups? They have a soft top that is like a nipple.



answers from Cleveland on

My daughter hated the sippy cup too. One day we were sitting at a restaurant and i was holding a cup and thought she was just chewing on the straw. She was drinking out of it!!! So we used sippy's with straws first then migrated to regular sippy's. Once she got to regular ones we cold turkey'd the bottle. Good Luck...remember it may suck to listen to her cry but you know what's best and what you let her get away with she will.



answers from Terre Haute on

My daughter took to the Nuby Sippy Cups. I got rid of all the bottles in the house. So she had to take the sippy cup. Then she started to bite the Nuby and it started to leak everywhere. She had no problems going to the harder lids on sippy cups.

I started first thing one morning. I tossed out all the bottles and gave her a sippy cup. Yes she gave me that look of what is this thing mom?? But after she was thirsty she took to it. Just don't give in! My mom did it once to me while she was watching her and sent her home with a bottle. It hit the trash can ASAP!

I also think Gerber has a few sippy cups with soft tips that my daughter liked also.

With the bottle to bed thing I can relate My daughter likes the binky. It is tough but she has a special soft blanket and a teddy bear that she is trying to sleep with. Yes she cries in the middle of the night for her binky but I just go into her room and comfort her by rubbing her back. I don't pick her up. I learned that lesson she does not like it when I put her back into her bed. A few sleepless nights is worth getting your child on a sippy just like mine with the binky. This type of change with a small child seems so h*** o* them but with in a day or so, they dont even realize that it was that big of a change. Us as parents can make things so much bigger than they really are at times.

Well Good Luck (And during this time nap when she naps)



answers from Cleveland on

If you think she is ready to not have the bottle anymore then get rid of them. She will fuss, but just be consistent. Keep offering her the cups. Believe me, if she is thirsty she will drink from them. Try some soft tipped sippy cups, or maybe one with a straw instead. As far as needing a bottle to fall asleep, are you giving her milk in her bottle? Juice? Because there is a whole other issue called Baby Bottle Decay. Babies who drink liquids with sugars in them as they fall asleep are more likely to have decayed teeth. You should only be giving her water at this point -- bottle or no bottle. My kids all gave up their bottles pretty much cold turkey and it really wasn't all that hard to do. After a few days you should be out of the woods and on to worrying about something else ;-)



answers from Dayton on

I had the same issue with my oldest daughter. I kept telling myself it was ok that she still took a bottle bc it was only when she was going to sleep. Well...that happens to be the worst time for a bottle! What finally worked for me after trying a few failed ideas was to just make her quit cold turkey. I tried this once, but I kept the bottles in the house so when she started whining for one I gave in. The best thing to do is to GET RID of them. Give them to someone who needs them or throw them away, but if they are in the house you will be tempted to use them (trust me)! I will say it is hard the forst couple nights not only bc you will have to deal with some tantrums, but on you emotionally, watching her "suffer" in her own world. It is for the best and it should only take a few days. Also i reccomend not giving a sippy at night to sleep bc they rely on having something to drink. Everything rots their teeth at night with the exception of water and that includes milk. The problem with water (and everything else) is not the water, but just the fact of their being a liquid for her. Think in the future about 1 year from now when you start to potty train. It will be a new battle to take the liquids away so I think it is best to just quit it all now. I wish you the best of luck bc these things are never easy!



answers from Lafayette on

Have had the same issue with my daughter, with the exception she is two. We had our first dentist appointment today, because she chipped her front teeth. They chipped because of bottle "rot". She now needs four or five other teeth fixed! We thought she would give it up when she felt the need, but guess that changes now! Make her give it up now before you have to spend the money we do! Wish we could have known!



answers from Columbus on

with my son i used the soft nippled nuby sippy cup. it doesn't have any handles and the nipple is similar to the bottle nipple. hopefully that will work...but if you don't want her to have it anymore then throw them all away. she will learn how to soothe herself other ways :-)

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