Infant Double Strollers

Updated on March 31, 2008
J.S. asks from Chicago, IL
21 answers

We have a 15 month old and just had another baby and are looking at double strollers. Anyone have any input on the Phil & Ted's Sport Double or the Baby Jogger City Mini Double? Thank you!

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So What Happened?

We bought the Phil & Teds double and LOVE it! Thanks for everyone for their advice. Being in the city this stroller works great for narrow doors and spaces, we don't drive much and this is our "all terrain" stroller. We highly recommend it! If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to ask!

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answers from Chicago on

I can't give specific to either of those but I can tell you side by side doubles are very difficult to navigate. The off balance weight of the kids is one issue, but the double width doesn't fit through store aisles at all.



answers from Chicago on

I have a 2yo and a 6 month old. We have the Phil & Ted's and I LOVE it! My little one doesn't mind being on the bottom, and when she was tiny, I put her on the main seat and put the 2yo over her. I could see her through the back, but no one else could see (or touch) her. Taking the 2nd seat off isn't that big of a deal. It took a little bit of practice, but I can get it on and off with no problem now.

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answers from Chicago on

I LOVE my phil & Teds, but only when I use it for a quick jog. It's useless for long walks and mall ect. Also, you have to take off the second seat to close it which is a PAIN!!



answers from Peoria on

I have 2 babies under 2 as well. They are 16 months apart. I use the B.O.B. double and love it. You can buy a car seat adapter so that the infant seat will fit. I don't find it two big fot the mall at all. The one complaint I have is the storage underneath is hard to get to and not very big.



answers from Chicago on

I am not really familiar with those two strollers, but I always recommend people get a front and back type stroller rather than the side by side type. We have one of each and the side by side is a major pain in the butt to take out anywhere, it doesn't fit through aisles, hard to get through doors and crowds, etc. The side by sides seem to be "trendier" and all the pricier models seem to be side by side, but I do not like them at all. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

My kids are slightly older than yours and they hated the Phil and Ted after a bit. No one wants to ride down on the bottom where they can't see anything and they don't have a tray for cups and snacks. We got a Graco second hand to have an extra here at home for walks, and that one has become our mainstay since the kids don't like the fancy one! The Graco is big when you fold it up, but it is awfully convenient if you use your stroller often to be able to easily reach and deal with both kids, adjust their seats if they fall asleep, stuff like that. We also have a Sit N Stand the kids like, but ours are older than yours.



answers from Chicago on

I am in the same scenario you are, my son will be 22 months when our next is born so I have been doing the same research. My needs were that I wanted something I could jog/walk with and get around malls, etc. Basically, a stroller that does it all and I wanted to be able to mount the infant seat too. My research found that my 2 options were the Phil and Teds and the BOB. The BOB is great, but I felt a little too big for the mall. And like your other response, the Phil and Ted's gets out grown fast because no one wants the bottom and there is not cup holders.
I really thought the Baby Jogger City Mini was awesome, but can't put the infant seat on it.
My conclusion: I bought a Duo Glider-Graco at a community sale for a great price and it was clean. I figure I will start with that and then maybe consider the City Mini after the baby out grows the infant seat.
Hope that helps.



answers from Chicago on

I wish I had belong to this site when I was doing my extensive research on this're search ends here. BUY the Phil and Ted Double. IT's amazing, but don't buy the carseat attachment. The car seat fits perfectly on it WITHOUT putting the top part back...I use a bungy cord for extra holding on the handle bars/car seat handle. We had to order an extension for the handle bars because my husband is 5'11" and a long walk, so he needed the extra room for pushing (so he didn't hit the bottom seat with his foot) My daughter whose 22 months loves it..and YES, loves the view from below. I have a newborn whose 10 weeks on Monday and is very comfy in her carseat sitting on top, looking at me. It's the lightest one you'll find a people compliment me ALL THE TIME. Let me know if you have any questions whatsoever. m



answers from Chicago on

I just got the Phil and Ted. I love it. Its really light and easy to use. I loved my Bob more because it was smoother, but needed a double and wanted one that could go into stores.



answers from Chicago on

I own a stroller fitness company and have tried out many strollers myself as well as had participants that have had every stroller as well. Unless you have twins, getting a side-by-side double is very limiting. If for some reason you don't have both children with you (eventually this will happen), you either need to have another stroller or use a bulky stroller with only one child in it. Both the Phil & Ted's Sport Double and the Baby Jogger Mini are great, but the mini will not give you as much space as the kids get bigger. I personally prefer the Phil & Ted's single strollers with double seat options or the Valco Runabout with toddler seat option. If you're planning on having more kids, the Double Valco Runabout will expand for three and even four kids with the toddler seat and hitchhiker option. I have the Valco Runabout for my sixteen month old and her 4 year old brother uses the hitchhiker off the back. I'm expecting this Summer and will be able to have the newborn in the stroller, my toddler in the toddler seat and my 4 year old can still hitchhike off the back and my stroller will be no bigger than a single, so I can still get through doors and aisles without a problem.



answers from Chicago on

Hello J.

I do not have info on that particular double stroller but I have a friend of mine who has a double stroller for sale.
I don't know the asking price but can get the info for you.
Unless of course you are set on this particular style stroller. S. K.



answers from Chicago on

The babyjogger mini is new this year. It looks awesome. We have last years model and love it. It rides really nice fits thru doors ways(it's tight but the mini should be easy since its smaller.) I take it with me on long walks and to the mall.



answers from Chicago on

I have a Valco Baby stroller, that can be converted into a double stroller with the additional purchase of a toddler seat. It is very easy to push and stear. I love it!! However be prepared for this stroller was a little pricey. Good luck and happy shopping!



answers from Chicago on

We love our 'combi twin savy' stroller. It's light weight, folds compactly and is an all around nice stroller. The combi infant seat will snap in, but I found my graco infant seat is secure facing forward.



answers from Chicago on

Hi J. -

I just got the BOB Revolution Doullie. I love it!! I was looking into the Phil and Teds but decided on the BOB. This stroller is so wonderful! My concern with the Phil & Teds was that the child in the back is going to have a hard time looking around the front child. Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

hi we have the baby jogger city series double stroller. i like it alot. it folds so easily, it is pretty compact when folded (almost flat). it fits through all doors (which most double joggers don't) and the side by side feature stops fights of who wants to sit in the front and back. i really like it. it is a bit heavy when u try to lift it in and out of the car but, i think most doubles are. my kids are 4.5 and 1.5 and both fit comfortably. it has two separate good sized sun canopys so one can be raised while the other is down. good luck.



answers from Chicago on

We have a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old and we have the Phil & Ted's sport stroller - our older child sits in front and the baby sits in the back. It's very easy to maneuver (even with one hand), rides smoothly, and looks cool. The kids enjoy it. But, it's hard to disassemble when you're by yourself with the 2 kids, the sun-shade is small, and there isn't a lot of room to carry anything else. We like it a lot but it's not perfect.



answers from Chicago on

I have 10 month old twins and just bought the BABY JOGGER CITY MINI. It just arrived by mail yesterday so i haven't used it yet but when i tried it out at the store i was very pleased w/it. It's light weight for a double and fits through standard doorways. I also like that the wheels are larger so it manuevers and handles bumps well. I wanted a stroller i can take to the mall as well as outside. I read very good reviews on it as well.



answers from Rockford on

Hi. I don't have either of those strollers, but wanted to give you a website that was helpful to me when I was looking for doulbe strollers.
They give their review/opinion of it and there are customer reviews too.
I have the BOB revolution Duallie. What made me decide to get that, was when I went to a store with the BOB's, Baby Joggers, Phil and Ted's, etc. When I pushed the BOB it was so easy to push (large tires and well made). So if you can go anywhere and try them out, I'd recommend that. Because I was thinking I wanted the Phil and Ted's, but when I tried out the BOB, I knew I wanted that. It is big though, so it doesn't get around those stores, easily. Phil and Ted's is much smaller.
I hope that helps, even though it's not directly about your two options :)



answers from Chicago on

I have a 14 month old and will have a second in one month (actually 25 days, but whose counting). I bought the Phil & Ted's and LOVE it. It is actually smaller than most joggers and even smaller than some of my friends travel systems. I have used it shopping and outdoors. My only complaints are that there aren't any mom cup holders and once you put the second seat in the back when both can sit upright, there isn't much if any storage for diaper bag, etc.



answers from Chicago on

I think next weekend they are having a used children's items sale at the Kendall Co. Fair Grounds that might be a cheeper way to get one or to try different ones? Just an idea we got our Graco double from a church sale and love it. I do not feel bad when the kids spill or got it as dirty since it is used.

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