Does Your Husband Have Annoying Habits?

Updated on March 21, 2013
K.J. asks from Spring Hill, TN
82 answers

Earlier I vented about how my husband never rinses the kitchen sink when he is finished and how he always spills red kool aid on the counter and doesn't clean it up therefore causing the counter to stain. I got some really great advice from some mommas about how to clean it without using harsh chemicals. Then, some of the moms felt the need to vent a little as well. It seemed to make everyone feel better and laugh a little, so I figured I would see if anyone else out there had a husband/fiance/boyfriend who does something that just drives you insane. Please feel free to share, vent, and have a laugh at how men just don't get it! ^_^

Edit-I wanted to add that though they drive us insane sometimes, it doesn't mean that we don't love them. Sometimes it just feels better to get it out of your system and vent to other moms/women who get it.

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So What Happened?

Thanks mommas for all your sharing! As I was reading them, I could really empathize with so much of it. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one whose husband does these crazy little things. You all have such a great sense of humor, too. Good luck living with your sometimes annoying, yet very lovable husbands!

Please feel free to continue sharing if you haven't already.

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answers from Raleigh on

So much fun! Thanks for the great idea! husband loves to "organize", but his idea of organizing means taking everything out, going through a few things, moving them to new places, but never putting ANYTHING back where he found it! Example...he "organized" the office closet. Now I have boxes, tubs, and file folders all over my office and in my hallway. Thanks honey!

It also drives me crazy that he can only pay attention to one thing at a time. How is it that I can be cooking dinner, talking to him, singing along to the music, setting the table, and telling my son "NO" all at the same time, but if I ask him to help me set the table he gets two plates down if I begin to talk to him! Argh!!!

Finally, it drives me crazy that I can ask him to do 1 thing and somehow he becomes sidetracked. For instance, if I ask him to take out the trash he is still outside 20 minutes later (and the trash is still normally inside). Maybe he decided that the flowers "needed" to be watered, maybe my son's toys needed to be "reorganized" (look back at my first gripe), maybe he decided to pull weeds...whatever! I appreciate that he may be trying to "help", but when he has been gone all day, the biggest help is to take the trash out and come back inside to help with his son (who has been driving me bonkers all day)!

Thanks for the vent!!! :)

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answers from Albany on

Literally 27 tool boxes in the garage, who knows what's in them all, not HIM, not like he fixes things in a timely manner when I ask him! On the other hand he pays the mortgage and is the best lay I ever had (sorry)!

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answers from St. Louis on

Hmmm, well he likes to get out of the shower completely wet, then dry himself off while standing on the rug, which leaves wet puddles on the rug that attracts my socked feet.

Also, he likes to come up behind me and grope various parts of my body when Im trying to do other things like cook, laundry, pee....whatever. Does he always have to hump the air when I walk past him.

But you know what? One day without him and I'd miss it...dont let me fool you.

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answers from Seattle on

- Towels on the floor UNDER the toilet. Ugh. Eeeeew. Gross. AND I JUST WASHED THEM. Sigh. I wash towels 3 times a week. Easy. (I've given up on this one). I also have to clean my toilet and the floor under it every day, but that comes from having 2 boys in the house full time, and 8 boys in the house part time (my h's band), and playdates with boys almost every day. It stays pee-free on the floor/seat for maybe an hour. NOT the hour that the towels fall under it most of the time.

- Bath towels being used as papertowels/ cleaning devices. NOT allowed. Nope, sorry, huh-uh. I already have to buy $40 towels so they can survive being washed 3x per week because they get dropped by the toilet. Get a mop. We have 2. Paper towels are an inch away from the spill. Do NOT walk to the bathroom and get my lovely towels for chocolate milk/ ketchup/ dogfood/ whathaveyou.

- Doesn't look away from his computer screen while I'm talking. Ummm... Hellooooo over here.

- Gets "helpful" by washing and drying my clothes. Sigh. Would be GREAT if he just wouldn't do it on HOT. Not being able to button things makes me feel fat.

- Washes 6 dishes once every few weeks and therefore "does all the dishes". Does the man not know how to count???

- Wants to have sex when I'm asleep. No thankyou. I prefer to be awake. Like while swimming or driving, some things are just better when you know what's going on.

- Puts STUFF on my clear spaces. I JUST clear it off and magically an ipod, glasses/dishes, a few random pieces of mail just seem to walk over and want to live on it. Noooooo. 3 feet over in the charger, 1 room over in the dishwasher, and 6 inches to your right in the mail cubby! Move, move, off with you.

- Neck beard. 'Nuff said.

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answers from New York on

Doesn't the word "husband" come from the ancient Latin word meaning: "Man with annoying habits?" Hee hee.

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answers from Rapid City on

I have been married almost 28 years and I had to laugh at these. Women, men never change. My husband still doesn't pick up after himself in the house but the garage is organized and cleaned. I still can't cook without being groped although it has slowed down after he was busy doing something and I would stand behind him and grope him and get in his way. He still leaves the debrie around after fixing something so I have to clean it up and complains when I weed the flowerbed, I throw the weeds out on the grass so he has to deal with it when he goes to mow (My revenge). He still snores and snores but if I snore he gets all pissed off and turns over as hard as he can in bed to wake me up. He doesn't like anything as far as dinner goes. It can be his favorite meal one week and next time I fix it, he is tired of always having it. No fish, no poultry.. so that leaves pork and beef which now he doesn't like pork chops and ham he can't have.. oh and cube steaks he doesn't like anymore.. nope on sirloin... not easy when we butcher a whole beef. He also claims it wasn't him that put the soda cans on the top shelf of the fridge where they freeze and explode but as I tell him "There is only the two of us living here and if I know it wasn't me who did it, then I know it WAS you!" It worked better for him when the kids all lived at

The difference between a newlywed or even a short term marriage and a long term one is how we deal with it. If we let them bother us and eat at us, we will fight more. I deal with it by working it to my advantage. I get mad at him I don't yell or complain...instead I have a whole list of what he doesn't like to eat and fix them for a week. I also turn the table on him, showing him what it is like to be on the other side. I also have the "look" down. He knows he pushed me to far when I give him that "look". That is when he goes out and keeps him busy outside.

Remember.. Men make better dates then husbands but we women always want our family and so we want marriage, white picket fence and 2.5 along with that we get the reality that our knight in shining armor tarnishes with the "I Do's"

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answers from Philadelphia on

I would like to offer a different perspective on the above (& below) comments on their spouses/significant husband died 3.5 yrs ago. He was my soulmate, the love of my life, and my best friend. Did he have quirks? absolutely, but so do I, and so do all of you. I would give up everything in this world for one more minute with him and all his "man behavior". Take a minute, and try to imagine life w/o your partner - forever, and I would bet the annoyances would add up to very little by comparison. If you are lucky to have a partner that loves you, is a good and kind person, a good parent to your children, instead of complaining, go give him a big hug and kiss - you never know when it will be last time you'll have the opportunity to do so. C

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answers from New York on

hmmm, where should I start???
He leaves food particles in the sink
He takes his tee shirts off because he is hot and leaves them hanging on chairs all over the house, Right now I am looking at two tee shirts hanging over two different kitchen chairs errrrrr!
When he takes his clothes off at night he leaves them piled under his night table because he thinks that he is going to wear them again, which thankfully he never does because it's gross, the clothes are dirty!
And, I don't know why this annoys me but, every time he comes home from anywhere he checks the list of calls on the caller id. It's not like he ever talks on the phone or anyone ever calls him.

oh, the things we put up with!!!!

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answers from Honolulu on

1) He tells ME... I "always" eat, then leave my plate on the table and not put it in the sink. Keep in mind, I am minding 2 kids and getting up every 3 seconds for "stuff" while I eat... thus my 'meal time' is pending and still occurring, given I have not finished eating yet.... meanwhile he is just sitting there, eating his meal and not getting up. I tell him, I am NOT done eating yet... because I am multi-tasking at the same time. So my plate is still there... on the table. Because I am.still.eating... but have NOT had a chance to even finish it yet.
Meanwhile, he finishes eating, and leaves HIS plate there on the table... not putting it in the sink either. So I tell him this, and he DENIES it, that he does that
Then, he says "There was a time, when the wife, would take her Husband's plate to the sink... and he didn't have to do it himself, like nowadays..." To which I say "Which century were YOU born in? This ain't the Medieval era...."

2) When he doesn't know where to put something away... he PILES it up on MY desk! Like its some kind of holding station for "me" to then put away. Then he complains my desk is so full of "stuff" and "how come???"
OH! And when the kids don't know where to put something away... he tells them "put it on Mommy's desk...."
Um, yah.... what the hay?

3) OH! and EVERY week, trash day is on the same 2 days. But every.darn.week... he "forgets" and has to ask "when was trash day? Is it today?" DUH.


all the best,

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answers from Albuquerque on

My husband is mostly awesome but here are a few of mine.
He uses 4 to 5 tissues at a time to blow his nose, which seems a bit unnessisary to me but fine what ever, but then he leaves them all over, on the desk on the floor on the book case. Never mind that I have garbage cans in every room for things like that. Ick.
I hate hate hate washing the broiler pan, so I asked him to wash it. "of course sweetheart" two days latter not done, I remind him "oh ya I'll do that tonight", next morning were you going to wash that or should I just do it? "Don't worry I'll do it". I come back from taking my son to school and the broiler pan is not there so I assume he washed it and put it away. Several days latter he gets back from a buisness trip and I need to cook with the broiler pan, but I can't find it. "Well I didn't have time to do it the other morning" he tells me "but I didn't want you to think I wasn't going to do it, so I put it in the back of my car."
It is like he is 8 and hides things under his bed so I won't know he didn't do it.
Actually that just made me laugh and laugh, I mean who does that? Puts dirty dishes in thier car?

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answers from Dallas on

So fun to know we're all not alone and we all have those "endearing qualities" to love in our husbands. After 11 years of marriage I don't get mad anymore but just shake my head and say "I love my husband" each time these happen. We have the usual list, clothes on the floor, nasty socks and underwear, stuff in the pockets (I wait to clean the floor after seperating laundry so I don't have to do it twice), can't find something even in front of his face (though I like it when he calls me his "lucky charm" to find things), etc. But some interesting ones unique to my sweetie:
- has an issue closing doors/drawers and turning off lights. If he's looking for something in the kitchen, no kidding, I will walk in minutes later and every cabinet door and drawer is wide open - and will stay that way until I close it. I sometimes just walk after him, closing things and turning lights off in his wake. Ever gotten up in the middle of the night to pee and bruised your hip on an open drawer in your bathroom on the way?
- every now and then will "help" with the dishes. This constitutes filling (and I mean to the brim) the sink with water and putting as many dishes as possible in there to "soak." If this happens in the evening I get to wake up in the morning to a sinkful of cold, greasy, nasty water and get to put my hands in it to actually clean the dishes. That, or, "unloading" the dishwasher which means, putting away some and piling the rest on the kitchen table for me to put away b/c he can't remember where they go.

As I said, each time I try to think of all the wonderful things he does for us and remember to love him in the moment when these happen. He really is amazing and I'm so grateful for him! I can only wonder what kind of a list our husbands would come up with about us if they felt the freedom to!

Though this has been fun for the most part I did note a little bit of bitterness in a couple of the posts and I just want to encourage those who may feel that. These are the little things. Yes, they are annoying, but they're also part of what makes your man special. Please don't let them define your relationship. Keep looking at the big picture of who he is, don't focus too much on the little details. If it gets to be too much I've actually found "Love and Logic" to be helpful with, not only my daughter, but with my man. Positive statements like, "whatever clothes are in your hamper will get washed" with no nagging and no anger can be incredibly effective when followed through with empathy. It took him running out of underwear one week ("oh, dear! what a shame! don't worry, next time they're in the hamper I'll be sure and wash them right away") but eventually they started making it into the hamper. Have fun with it. These are our guys and WE LOVE THEM!

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answers from Philadelphia on

i kno there r a billion posts already, but i just had to add my favorite...
my husband will ask where something is- for example "wheres the ketchup?" ill say in the fridge and he'll stand there with the door open and say "where?" w/o even trying to look/move anything!!!!!

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answers from Seattle on

My husband picks his nose and has to investigate what he found. He never did that when we were best friends, for SEVEN years...even when we were dating! Now, it totally and completely pukes me OUT!

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answers from Los Angeles on

LOL !!!
I saw this and just had to ask my wife.

She says I know a little about a lot of things and sometimes I state an opinion when we are talking in a social setting with friends and I phrase my responce such that the people we are talking to assume my answer is the same as my wife's. She says she often has a different opinion, but doesn't find it worth it to correct me. (I apologized to her when she told me tonight.)

She says I'm a really good bargin hunter and I find deals that surprise her because they are so cheap/inexpensive. But she hates it when I ask her how much she paid for something because I express disappointment when she pays too much, in my opinion. (I've been working on this for a while, but I'm not good enough to not ever ask. Its something I keep working on.)

I love my wife and she said she was reluctant to tell me these things because she knows I'm working on them and getting better. ((I'm still a lump of coal. Maybe, someday, I'll be a diamond in the rough.))

Good luck to you and yours. You made me and my wife laugh. Thanks.

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answers from Rochester on

I've finally got it! For years I mistakenly thought the .5 in the dream of 2.5 kids was the overflow of averages...5 years of marriage and two kids later I realize that .5 is my husband! Thanks for laughs I've been feeling very overwhelmed lately trying to "handle it all" but I'm glad I'm not alone. My husband is great...but sometimes we get stuck in life's routines we forget how to laugh at ourselves/eachother....

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answers from Seattle on

-oh my goossh!! My Husband takes his socks off inside out so all his sweaty stinky YELLOW stench is all hard and its so gross and I have to turn them right side out. seriously. vomit.

-he will take any chance to grab my boob or the storre, you name it, that mans hands are on my body parts!!

-it takes him FOREVER to take the garbage out "will you take the garbage out?" "yayaya. im on it"...45 minutes later i ask again...yes W.!
30 minutes later im walking past him draging the garbage bag.."W.! i said i was gonna take it out!" ..i meant today love.

i love that man tho, he supports me and our girl and is the best lay EVERRRR! :P love him!!

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answers from Honolulu on

I've heard SOME things on this posting that men do that is abusive.
"Loving him dearly" doesnt mean you have to put up with such severe disrespect. Be assertive. He should respect and acknowledge how you feel, what you think, and what you are going through. He should be asking you "Honey, how can I be more helpful?" serious. no joke. you might just realize one day that your relationship is actually making you miserable. good luck. I'm a single mom and prefer it that way until I find someone NOT perfect but who will be a partner and WANT to share household responsibilities. be careful

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answers from Boca Raton on

Reading these posts makes me want to kiss my husband's feet. He cleans, cooks, helps with my daughter, organizes, listens to me rant, makes the bed, does the laundry till the point of folding, organizing and putting back in the correct spot (piles for my daughter in her room). He gives me space, he's attentive, smart and now I think I should NEVER complain about anything he does but cherish him.

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answers from San Francisco on

1. Unless something is staring him in the face (a food item in the fridge, a pair of shoes in the closet, remote control, you name it) it is obviously missing or stolen or I have moved and hidden it somewhere. Can't for the life of him look a little harder and heaven forbid he pick up/move/look BEHIND something that is staring him in the face. Then expects me to drop everything and go looking for it.
2. When he gets stressed about his work he will nit pick everything the kids and I do. Sort like, since he feels he can't get a handle on things at work he'll whip all of us into shape.
3. He's the dude with all of the driving violations but has the nerve to tell me how to drive.
4. Puts the dishes in the dishwasher but that's it. DOesn't take out the garbage, recycling,green waste.
5. Our yard is always scruffy. I do what I can but am so busy taking care of everything else that I just can't keep up with it. He'll spray weed killer on the weeds growing on the front path once every few months and tell me that he's "Done the gardening".
6. Is addicted to technology and is always on the computer. The kids even notice and complain about it. Then makes disparaging comments about how I am always knitting (because I knit while watching tv for ONE freakin' hour after the kids have gone to bed).

I could go on...

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answers from San Francisco on

I think I'm married to ALL of your husbands! I do love my husband...and just occasionally want to scream "ARE YOU SERIOUS??? REALLY???"

I related with:
1. Going out to the car and not coming back for an hour...calling him on the phone and he's outside in the parking lot talking to a neighbor guy or playing basketball on his phone...doesn't dawn on him that I have been waiting all this time to watch a movie, have "personal" time with him, whatever...and wonders why I'm annoyed and no longer in the mood...or asleep!

2. Using a towel ONCE, leaving it on the bathroom floor because he doesn't want to drip after a shower, but leaves it there once he leaves SOAKING wet, and the carpet in the dressing area is wet too!!! Then, I can't keep up on the laundry because he uses 2 towels at a time for EACH shower!

3. Throwing dirty laundry or garbage NEXT to the recepticals instead of going the extra mile to put it IN the containers....

4. "Does" laundry, but leaves me to fold, put away 2 towels and one sock that he washed...or leaves it wet without telling me...mold...

5. Won't put away his clothes, leaves his dirty socks in the living room, under the couch, under the bed, in the bathroom, by the computer desk, and wonders 2 minutes before he has to walk out the door why the laundry fairy didn't put clean socks in his drawer...

and my new additions:

- I hang hand towels in the bathroom so I can dry my hands after washing them...EVERY time I go in the bathroom, the towel is wadded up, wet and gross ON the counter or the towel to dry my hands...I even put an extra one on the counter folded so he can grab that one, and I still have a towel...but no, he uses the one I hang and wads it up.

- As he gets ready in the morning, he leaves everything that he used on the counter in the bathroom...I go in there half asleep, thinking he's done and put it away...but before he leaves, he goes BACK in there, pulls out his hair gel again, leaves the cabinet open AGAIN and wads up the towel...then leaves. I walk in...thinking I'm losing my MIND!

- Where he takes off his clothes is where the clothes lie!

- "Hi Honey, I didn't get to wash any of the dishes, but I stacked them for you" a message I got after he watched the kids while I I get home, the sink is filthy, the dishes are now crusty, smelly, molded sponge, but yes, they are stacked on the side of the sink "for me"....thanks, dear..

:o) So glad I'm not the only one....

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answers from Minneapolis on

so minor but 100% aggravating:

he "steals" my towels after showering and just drops them WHEREVER. living room, bedroom, laundry room...frankly, i wouldn't be surprised to find them on the front steps.

i can never just jump into the shower without first grabbing fresh towels out of the hallway linen closet. can't tell you how often i have forgotten to do this and been stuck there dripping wet and NO TOWELS.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Oh my god, great post! I think my top three are
-He literally keeps everything in his pockets (at least we have purses). When I go to do laundry I find about 10 receipts, 3 bucks worth of change, car fuses (he's a mechanic), drill bits, and who knows what else. I keep telling him I am afraid something will bite me one day. LOL
-He has a wallet like George Constanza on Sinfield
-When he hasn't mad much sleep or is stressed, I get beat up in my sleep. He rolls on top of me, flings his limbs on me, steals the covers then does the "death roll" in them so I can't untangle them, steals my pillows, stretches his arms pushing against me. ohh and not to mention when he gets up (he gets up really early) he only pushes the snooze button on the alarm clock then leaves to the shower. So guess who has to get up 5 minutes later? uuugggghhhh. =)

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answers from Norfolk on

Exscuse my language, but H*** yes! Every time he comes home from work (takes a gym bag to go to gym after work), what does he do? He throws the gym bag in the middle of the what do I do? I throw it against the wall in the closet, whatever breaks, breaks. Doesn't hang up his clothes, leaves them sitting on the bed, so I have to move them when going to bed...they get thrown in the closet too. Ketchup and Ranch! If you can tip an empty plate over and watch unused ketchup and ranch run off like running water, it's too d**** much! I get so mad because I take all that time to season my food and cook it and put all that effort into it and before he tastes it, just pours all that stuff on top of the goodnes. I love him regardless though and I guess he got tired of clothes getting wrinkled and stuff breaking inside his gym back so he puts them away neatly now, yeh!! :)

Still working on the ketchup and ranch though. And oh yeh, he leaves his mouth guard on the kitchen counter...girl if I see that thing one more time on my kitchen counter, I'm chucking it at his head or going to drop-kick his head. He makes me laugh every day though, my sloppy, lazy, comedian.

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answers from Austin on

30 minute bathroom breaks - what???

Farts are still funny - he's 44 years old!!

He can fix anything (he's an Engineer), but puts off household repairs FOREVER.

He empties the dishwasher - no other household chores. I have to beg him to cut the grass.

He's a technology junkie - 'nuff said.

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answers from San Luis Obispo on

I'm a newlywed, with a great husband, and we haven't lived together long. He came with two little boys, 4 & 6, so talk about a lifestyle change! I've gone from single-girl-with-cat to mom of two, wife, and mama to my crazy cat and his GIANT Dog of Doom. Hubby THINKS he's the tidy one, but constantly fills the sink with water to do the dishes, then doesn't do them for days, and leaves sponges in the cold stinky water. Reaching in there is so not fun. Does a load of laundry, but piles the dry clothes on the kitchen table to get wrinkly. Is always washing towels after one use, or throwing my pants in the wash without emptying pockets, so I try to find something I set out for the next day, and it's in the wash. The good news? We're both open to talking about, and laughing about, our little idiosyncrasies, and working on changing the ones that drive our partners batty. Or at least pretending to... ;)

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answers from St. Joseph on

LOL, y'all have given me some laughs for the day, thanks for that!

Like many of you, I have a really great husband; he works hard, he's a good father, and he tries to keep me happy and show me he loves me. I love him so much, it's not that hard to "put up with" some of the things he does. My only two real "pet peeves" about him are:

1.) Since we've been married, his idea of "taking me out" is ME finding a sitter, ME pulling money from the bank (he prefers to pay with cash), ME deciding on the restaurant or movie, ME making any necessary phone calls or reservations, ME making sure he has clean clothes to wear, and ME paying the bill and leaving the tip! What's HE do? Oh, yeah... he drives the car and orders his food (I order for myself). He acts like he's doing me a favor by taking me out so I don't have to cook, but who's really taking whom out here? LOL

2.) We have "conversations" where I don't actually say anything. He starts talking (presumably to me), and he answers his own questions, but he seems to think I'M the one answering them, even if it's something I would NEVER say. And sometimes he will even start to get mad at me for something he imagined that I said!! An example: He was talking the other day about needing to fence the yard in. He goes, "I'm going to try and get that fence up next weekend. I know, I should have had it up by now." (I would never say this, because he really gets a lot done, and I know he's been working hard!) He glares at me, "And no, I can't do it this weekend." I smile and say, "I know you have a lot to do this weekend; you don't have to tell me. Tell that little voice in your head about it!" Then he suddenly realizes that I haven't said anything up to this point, so he can't be mad at me for "nagging" him! LOL

Thanks again for the smiles and the chance to vent! :-)

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answers from Sacramento on

My husband and I have only been married a few years, but there are a few things that literally drive me CRAZY!

He puts his garbage on the counter right next to the garbage can....seriously??? He can't walk the extra foot and put it in the garbage?

When he plays with our son, he loves to hold him down and make his say "please daddy" or "I love you daddy" and he won't let him up until he says it so I get to listen to the screaming!

He constantly gropes me and claims I'm sexy when I know I'm not at that is always on his mind....

And last but not least...he will see me running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done. He'll just keep watching tv or playing ps3 and then when I finally sit down after all of the cleaning, bathing our son and putting our son down, he can't understand why I'm too tired to do anything or why I'm doesn't take a genius to figure out I could use some help......

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answers from Chicago on

Oh my goodness did you catch me at the right time: annoying habits: snoring and snoring, I'm awake he is sleeping happily. Sits on the phone for hours (but says girls talk a lot). Wants to shop all the time (but girls like to shop a lot). Puts all of his stuff on the counter when it was just cleaned and cleared off and well, this is a secret and sorry if I get annoyed, just wish I could do two things at once sometimes: he comes up and starts trying to do coochy, coochy right while I am chopping things and getting food ready. He sort of sneaks up behind me, and sheesh, I have jumped so high sometimes I was afraid I'd lose my cutting utensil and food. I am sure there are more. But I am madly in love with him, so I guess it all doesn't matter does it?

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answers from Erie on

oh, how about wanting to spend some family bonding time Fishing, it's ok honey you can take a book, meanwhile i'm having a hard time reading while i'm terrified my kids are going to get their eyes ripped out from a fishing hook or fall into the bay and drown, it's also a bit hard to read when both my kids are getting screamed at for not casting right or not tugging their line in, And then when the kids have reached their ---one hour of sitting quietly bored out of their little brains ---limit, Hubby has to stay for another hour because he had Decided we were staying for two hours before we left the house. meanwhile i'll just sit and read my book WHILE i entertain the kid for another freakin hour!

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answers from Portland on

My husband always seems to need to talk to me when I'm on the phone not before, not after WHILE i am on the phone I don't understand that. He also annoys me when he is going #2 and has the need for me to go into the bathroom and talk to him and have some sort of forum.........I hate that I tell him he'll have to wait til he's does and he get's irritated with that What in the world?? Anyone one else have those sorts of issues?

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answers from Dallas on

Where to top 10
1. smacking, licking fingers, fast eating, cleaning his teeth with his tongue at the dinner table and telling the kids to eat slowly while being courteous.
2. starting projects and leaving them undone for days, weeks, or even months until I threaten to call in a professional.
3. dishes that don't make it to the sink only the counter. same for trash.
4. empty water bottles around his lounging chair when the trash can is right there.
5. letting the kids destroy a room (i.e. family room, den, living room or media room) then wanting to go to another because its too dirty.
6. tell him the same thing numerous times and he swears the topic was never discussed.
7. sitting next to him he can't hear a thing but talk in another room then he hears everything.
8. spend all my time cooking, cleaning, watching kids and having him wanting to get intimate all the time not understanding why i don't have the energy.
9. eating or drinking a liquid practically all up but leaving just a corner, crumb or a sip and says, "I saved you all some".
10. eating up the kids snacks and says, "got to make sure its healthy for them." or "i'm a tester like for the royal and the subjects are my children so i have to make sure its safe." ugh!!

Love him but dang it!

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answers from Minneapolis on

When my sister does those drive-you-nuts things, her husband calls them her "endearing qualities." At first it was just a phrase to lighten things up a bit, but over time he began to really love those things as much as the easy-to-love things she did.

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answers from Cincinnati on

ok my husband is awesome (he does all the dishes even though he is the only one working right now, plus takes out the trash, takes over with the baby as soon as he gets home from work, then when the baby is in bed he sits down on the couch to watch tv with me and rubs my yeah awesome) but the one thing I really can't stand is that he wont tell me the truth if he thinks it will hurt my feeling. Like after I had my son I kept complaining on how fat I was (I gained alot of weight! 125 I was 240 after giving birth and I am only 5ft2) and he kept saying I was a good weight....ummm I don't think so, if he was afraid of hurting my feeling he could have said dont worry you'll loose it, or something like that, but I can't stand being lied to. i know he is trying to be nice but its annoying.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I love the venting idea :) Lord knows they hate when we vent to them!

My husband makes himself eggs in the morning. He leaves the shells in the sink. I do not have a garbage disposal or dishwasher so i have to fish them out of the dirty mess.

He changes the kitty litter (which i am so grateful for) but leaves the bag by the back door. The outside cans are right around the corner. If i don't get it, it will sit there till trash day...yuck!

I agree with Sylvia A.... as flattering as it is to be groped...does it have to be constant?! I can't cook, wash dishes, vacuum, pee...without a!

There is many more... but i had fun venting on a couple :) We do love them and all of their little quirks! This got me wondering...hmmm...what would he say about me? LOL!

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answers from Kansas City on

Why do women always like to say, "men just don't get it!"? Wouldn't women be pretty pi$$ed off, if men went around all of the time saying that "women just don't get it!"? I'm getting tired of women bashing their husbands but turning around and saying "I really do love him, I was just venting, ha ha ha!". If you really did love him, then you would show a little respect and quit ragging on his annoying habits. I'm sure women have plenty of annoying habits, so how would you all feel if men sat on message boards "venting" about your annoying habits?! Women...start treating your husbands with respect and quit talking badly about them to other women! There, that was MY venting!!!

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answers from Chicago on

Haha, I don't think Mamapedia's database can handle storing my list, so I'll give a truncated version ;-)

Riles up both of the boys with wrestling, gets them SOOO wound up, and then when he's had enough says..."Ok, K., I tired them out for can take them to bed now."

Takes off his clothes all over the house and dumps them anywhere. Takes off his shoes in the middle of the walkway and leaves them in the way.

Doesn't bring in the dirty, wet, sweaty clothes from his gym bag. Leaves them as a science project in his trunk until I beg him to bring them, at which point he waits a few more days and then brings in a petrified, stinky jumble of a week's worth of nasty gym clothes.

Never cleans up after himself if he spills in the kitchen.
Doesn't keep his eye on the toilet bowl when going, and our wall and floor get almost as much as the toilet. Doesn't even REALIZE he has missed until the next morning when I go in and step in it barefoot and scream.

Waits until I have just come downstairs and have gotten comfy on the couch to ask me for something that requires me to go all the way upstairs again.

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answers from Chicago on

LOL...I have to respond to this one because my husband and I were just talking about this last night. I was talking to him about all the little things he does that annoy me (we always talk and cuddle in bed before we fall asleep and this was the topic of the night).

#1. He has a beard and he rarely shaves or trims it. So sometimes its really long and bushy. Well when his mustache gets long instead of trimming it he will push the hair in his mouth and bite it off. I just don't like the sound it makes. It sounds like nail biting to me and that annoys me too. He knows it annoys me but he does it anyways.

#2 He is soooo slow. I'll ask him to do something as simple as taking out the garbage and it will take him 30 mins to do it because he gets distracted by his shows on T.V. He takes longer than me to get ready to go somewhere.

Then I ask him what I do that annoys him and he said nothing I do annoys him. I said there has to be something. He couldn't think of anything I do that is annoying but he said that there was something I do that was cute. He said that sometimes he would see me do a random little dance from time to time and he thought it was cute. Of course I didn't know he was watching...LOL.

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answers from Washington DC on

How much fun!!

My hubby doesn't like to order for himself, so he'll tell me what he wants, even if the waitress is standing right next to him. I even have to lean over him at drive throughs to order for everyone. lol!

BTW, that's one of many, but I have my "warts" too. At the end of the day we're still very much in love! <3

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answers from Dallas on

I'm really glad you posted this. Frankly, my husband does crazy/weird/annoying things too and I thought I was the only one.

1. I've been trying to get us to recycle and right next to the trash bin is a recycle bin wiht a big R inside a triangle. My husband still constantly throws stuff away - soda cans, cereal boxes, etc that could be recycled. How can you NOT remember when it's right in your face.

2. Along with #1 and like other posters - if it's something is not directly in front of his face, he can't find it

3. He says he can't remember where stuff goes even after 4 years of living in our house so he puts things away in random places

I'm sure there are probably more but just a few to add to the laughs.

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answers from Knoxville on

Oh my gosh! the answer in #1 fits my husband perfectly! It drives me crazy! Is this a genetic male thing?????

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answers from Portland on

So the other day, my daughter put her straw wrapper from her juice box next to the sink to be thrown in the trash (child safety magnet locks- she can open it, though) and my husband hollered at her, "don't put it there, you know where it goes." But, on a daily basis, he leaves his drink cups from fast food restuarants and dirty napkins and what have you in the same place. Talk about In fact, last week, Wed. or Thurs. he left his Wendy's cup and Dutch Bros. cup in the same place, right next to the sink. I finally threw them out last night while emptying the kitchen trash for trash pick up today.

I sometimes leave them to see if he gets the idea. Obviously not.

My hubby used to complain to me when someone was using their cell phone while at a restaurant and especially if they were sitting with others. Well, now he has a Blackberry and he constantly takes it out to check his news feeds or email during dinner at home or out. Just because he isn't talking on the phone doesn't make it any less rude when he is supposed to be having a family dinner.

Thanks for letting me post and vent....

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answers from Honolulu on

Great postings. I'd like to add that my DH of 16 years annoys me and my kids with some of his habits.
1. He cleans the kitchen every time he cooks (loves to cook), wipes the stove, does the dishes, cleans out the fridge and wipes it down, cleans the stove and wipes it down, counter tops, sweeps and/or vacuum every time. ISo if the kids or I clean up after breakfast, lunch, or dinner, he orders that everything he does must be done even if it's late at night;
2. The living room must be vacuumed before we go to bed;
3. Car keys must be put away in its proper place which is on his dresser, and he can hear it if someone picks it up;
4. Remotes for all gadgets must be in its proper place (basket on entertainment center);
5. Throws his dirty clothes on top of the shower door;
6. Leaves the soap on the shower flower;
7. Uses my towel hanging in the bathroom, if he can't reach his, so constantly have to change;
5. Buys lawn mower and weed eater but doesn't mow the grass;
6. Buys a gas grill, used it once; and still sitting in the front porch. Prefers to use charcoal;
7. Washes the car, puts everything else away but the hose;
8. Doesn't like to do laundry but buys his favorite laundry detergent and stuff;
and then some more things that I will never understand.
BUT WE STILL LOVE THEM. Thanks for all the great posts.

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answers from Stationed Overseas on

Love threads like this!
-If he finishes the lemonade in the fridge he won't make more and he'll put the empty container back in the fridge!
-If he's looking for something in say the pantry if it's not directly in front of his face then it's not there. He can't seem to look harder.
-He drives slower when we have a conversation in the car. This is bad when we are on the highway and in the left lane. He doesn't even realize he's doing it.
-He sometimes has selective hearing when I need help with a wet child coming out of the bath tub. Or has "fallen asleep" on the couch and couldn't hear me.
Love him to death but sometimes he drives me insane.

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answers from Spokane on many thoughts, so little time!
My biggest pet peeve is when the family has to get ready to go somewhere and he is the last one to be ready to leave! I get myself and our two little boys ready and we still have to wait for Dad!! Makes. Me. Crazy.
But I love him dearly and he is worth the wait!!

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answers from Sacramento on

Most of my husband's annoying habits have been mentioned, but I have a couple that I didn't see, so I'd like to add them:

He leaves sections of the newspaper all over the place. For example, takes a portion of the paper to the bathroom, leaves it on the vanity, on the floor in front of the toilet or on the hamper, then he takes another section outside to the table on the deck reads it, finishes it, then leaves it there to get blown all over the lawn.

He does something similar with empty beverage cans. Drinks a beer or soda and where ever he finishes it, he leaves it. I find them all over the place. The annoying thing about this is that he has to walk right past the aluminum can recycling bin to get a refil.

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answers from Dallas on

Thank you all, you really have no idea how much you helped. I'm in a fairly new relationship and I was honestly considering if it was working or if I was just being crabby. What I see is that we all seem to have the same complaints and I do love him. He's just aggravating.

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answers from Denver on

this is totally gross, but super annoying- inside out undies with a landing streak.... without fail, I encounter this "monster" several loads of laundry a week... regardless of how often I ask him "PLEASE turn your undies right side in- I don't like grabbing your stain....." (this is promptly followed by a lecture on effective wiping, vs dusting one's bum with dirty paper)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I feel lucky that my hubby and I have different peeves. I hate clutter on the counter. He hates dirty kitchen floors. I do the counters, which he clutters up, and he cleans the floors that the kids and I spill on. :-) Perfect symbiosis.

One other thing that's a love/hate thing for me is that we often have the same taste when it comes to furniture/pictures/household items. But hubby doesn't want me to buy things without him. However, he HATES shopping. Been waiting years to get bookshelves and curtains! Argh!

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answers from Jamestown on

my husband's annoying habits include being totally unable to understand body language, (any one's nonverbal cues, even his own... he is clueless, doesn't even recognize he's doing it as i point it out to him) while I'm hearing impaired and I rely quite bit on body language and nonverbal clues... this becomes a real problem for us when he's sending some pretty strong body language and nonverbal cues and I react to them,but he argues that he never SAID anything, an can't be held responsible for anything he hasn't SAID...
like I can't drive while he's in the car, his entire body stiffens up and it distracts me... but he has no clue what he's doing...
and he refuses to do dishes... ever... you just gave birth, well, too freaking bad, I'm not wasting money on paper plates and plastic silverware, you need to drag your butt to the kitchen and get those dishes washed...
he doesn't get sick and has no compassion for my illness. I got bronchitis so bad i couldn't breath... it took me 5 minutes to convince him to take me to the er and I was so bad I couldn't walk, I'd pass out from lack of oxygen, but he didn't call the ambulance, he dragged me to the car and drove me in... where they did 2 x rays of my lungs and a ct scan cause they were afraid I had a clot on my lung my breathing was so bad and my blood ox was so low...I really fear the day he stands there and watches me die because it doesn't occur to him I need medical help...

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answers from San Diego on

Shari G. - I think your husband is a polygamist and I'm married to him too!!

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answers from Louisville on

I have to say the most annoying thing my hubby does it... when we have company over and i ask him to clean he goes and cleans the STRANGEST stuff... Example the air filter in the basement, water off our boat cover.... like anyone is going to go look at our air filter and go had i known it was like this i wouldnt have come over! Another thing he does is wait until we are walking out the door to load the the dishwasher take out the trash or switch laundry really whats up with that?!?

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answers from San Diego on

Okay- so many responses, but I have to add this one! Not only does my husband leave clothes all over, but when he takes of his pants, he pulls his feet out and gets them inside out with the boxers stuck inside (also inside out with pant legs through them). So when I go to do laundry, I have to reach inside is inside out boxers to separate them from the pants! GROSS! Especially disgusting with workout clothes- seriously! He has plenty of others, but that one is just over the top.

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answers from Fayetteville on

Yes, my husband has a bad habit of cleaning the dishes but not wiping down the counter or stove. Even though he says he does but I can blatantly see the stains and crumbs on the counter. He also has a bad habit to telling everyone he listens but no one else listens to him. lol

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answers from Charleston on

Yessssssss. My husband is very handy and can do just about anything with his hands. Since I seem to have no hand-eye coordination and little strength in my hands and arms, I depend on him a lot. My gripe is that he will finish a task and everything he uses is left right where it was. No matter what he does whether for me or himself, a lot of debris is left behind. If I don't clean it up, it has remained there for months and I guess even years if I don't do something about it. It's hard to clean around all the clutter he accumulates and if I move it we have had big fights because he can't find whatever he's looking for. He works hard like at cutting wood for winter which is much appreciated but the mess he leaves with weeds growing up around it is very embarrassing. At least we have a fence around our back yard which hides some of the mess. Nagging gets some results but I don't like the hostile atmosphere. He is a good man and I love him but he drives me to distraction.

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answers from Kansas City on

snoring all night every night, but then if I happen to breath through my mouth, he has to wake me up because he cant sleep! That drives me crazy!

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answers from Richmond on

I got quite a few laughs, gave some sympathy and thought "EXACTLY" while reading through this! My husband has many faults (as do I) but my #1 pet peeve has to be him leaving his used tissues in his pants pockets. It's gross enough that he uses a tissue over and over again and I have to see that nasty thing shoved in and out of a pocket all day but, okay, he has bad sinuses. I've adjusted even though I still frequently tell him that we really can afford a new tissue each time he has to blow his nose. I would cut back on darn near anything if he would use a new tissue each time and THROW IT AWAY!!!! Anyhow - the point is, having to turn all of his sweaty, smelly clothes right side to is bad enough but then to have to pull out a snotty, sweaty, crusty tissue - UGH!!! I nearly gag each time. As soon as the laundry sorting is done and the gigantic pile of tissues are thrown out, I SCRUB my hands and arms up to my elbows. What a fun weekly chore!!! :)

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answers from Sioux City on

As you get older it isn't so much that your annoyed. You switch to being amused. One of the things I find most amusing about my husband is that he has a totally unorganized closet yet he has to reorganize the dishwasher each time he opens it. The funny thing is that the dishes get taken out of the dishwasher so they will never stay organized. His closet could be organized for ever if he would just use the energy he waists on the dishes to straighten it.

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answers from St. Louis on

I have to admit this is kinda Now on to my soapbox, if I find one more pair of socks on the floor, on top of the dirty clothes hamper yes ladies I said on TOP OF!!!! Or my favorite is when I find them stuffed in the couch...GGRRRRR talk about making me a little crazy. But at then end of the day I wouldn't trade him for the world :)

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answers from Kansas City on

Too true! My husband leaves his dirty clothes either on the floor or on the chair next to our bed. When I ask him to put them in the hamper in the bathroom, he will throw them from the bed the 20 ft from there to the hamper, so 90% of them end up on the floor. We have the same conversation every few weeks. I usually try to be nice about it, but sometimes lose my temper with him. I'm not trying to change HIM, I'm trying to change his habits.

The other thing he does that makes me crazy is he won't take his shoes off when he comes in the house. I can't tell you how many times I've just finished sweeping/vacuuming and he tracks dirt in everywhere. SOOO frustrating. What's worse, is he often will put his feet up on the couch - with his shoes on - makes me crazy! The funny thing is that our two year old has taken to scolding him - a few months ago she said, "Daddy, no shoes on the couch!" He took them down and as she was walking away she said under her breath, "You're killin' me, Dada." Hilarious!

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answers from New York on

My husband takes care of our kids part of the time and he cannot take care of the house too! My biggest pet peeve is coming home from work to find yougurt and other food from lunch all over our twins' high chair trays. He says that he needs to get work done the moment lunch ends and the twins' nap begins. I have tried to tell him it would only take a couple of seconds to wipe off those trays, but noooo, he won't hear of that! Our compromise is that it is always his job to spray the gunk off the trays before dinner. Now I just look away when I walk by those high chairs knowing that he isn't leaving the work for me, but doing it in a VERY different manner than I ever would!

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answers from New York on

My husband puts dishes, glasses everything in the sink,when the dishwasher is dirty. When I tell him, the dishwasher is dirty he'll say I'll put them in later, which of course never happens. He also chews gum and makes a sound like it's wet and slurpy totally grosses me out, but won't stop. He will pack up the recycleables and put by front door, instead of out by the curb because he will do it on his way out in the morning. 9 out of 10 times the trucks come before he is out the door and the garbage has to come back upstairs. Lastly when he drives he moves the seatbelt up for his comfort, when I drive I move it down. If we get in the car to drive together and he is the driver he asks why I can't put the seat belt back to the original position. We drive the car 50-50 so who is to say his position is the original position and not mine. He never has an answer but firmly believes his is right. Thank goodness these are the only things that can make me nuts. I put it down to him being oblivious, which sadly is a deficiency in most men.

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answers from Nashville on

My husband cooks dinner every night...yeah!!! BUT, when he does, he splashes everything all over!! He stirs BIG stirs and slops all over! ha ha He never puts the seat down after peeing, he slams the cabinets, drawers, etc, he throws his clothes on the floor instead of the hamper, etc He is never in a hurry, no matter how late we are!! ha ha AND, my husband also presses on the gas pedal and off and on like that other lady says! What is the deal with that???
HA, feels great to let it out! But, I must say, he is amazing and so sweet and respectful to me that I have learned to just deal with the annoying things...unless of course I am in a mood that day, then I tell him! :o)
have fun venting!

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answers from Bakersfield on

This is a great question. It has been great to read everyone's vents and empathize. I'm only going to list the top two most annyoying habits of my husband.....

1) I don't think he really listens. I mean when we have a discussion, many times I feel like he isn't really paying attention to what I'm saying. He will start a conversation while we're getting ready in the morning, and when I comment, it's obvious he is thinking about something else. If he's brushing his teeth, he'll start humming the 'ABC' Song (something I taught my son to do so he knows how long to brush his teeth and now my dh has decided to do it too). I leave the room when he starts this and it seriously drives me insane. I don't feel like I can say anything though, because then there's this weird passive agreessive stuff like he starts walking on eggshells thinking he'll piss me off. And it doesn't matter how I relate the issue of what is bugging me, he'll be weird about it later.

2)When discussing anything that might entail spending money or an opinion issue, he sets his jaw and gets this "I've made up my opinion on the matter and I know what my response will be" long before I even finish saying whatever I was going to say. When he does this body language, I shut down and say, "sorry, I guess that's not a topic for discussion." I've shared with him how insensitive it is to make his response so visible before I even finish sharing what I want to say, but he quickly forgets and doesn't realize how much it really hurts.

I stew over these two many times. I try very hard to look and lean on the other things he does very well, but the two I've listed deal with communication and I guess all I can do is work on how I state things. I try hard to be a good listener, but I find myself adopting his mannerism/body language when he shares certain things. I don't want to do that to anyone. I guess now, I often avoid certain topics just so I don't have to deal with the passive agressive behavior. It's not a solution, but it is what it is.

I'll end my post with things he does well:
2)cleans toilets, or anything else I ask when we invite people over
4)love our family

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answers from New York on

My husband opens all our mail, even things addressed to me and the kids. Then he'll randomly tell me "Oh, one of the kids got invited to a birthday party." When I ask which of my three children received the invite and from whom, he'll inevitably tell me he forgot and he'll try to find the invitation. I keep reminding him we have a bulletin board specifically to hang the invites, but this just happens over and over. Meanwhile, my twins have their own birthday this weekend. He called me yesterday to tell me "someone RSVP'd to the party." Uh, should I just guess who it was or do you think he'd tell me. Of course, he forgot who it was.... sigh..... ADD much????

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answers from Charleston on

My husband likes to work on cars but we dont have a garage so his cars are in pieces in my yard and porch which makes them look junky. It drives my crazy. I planted flowers to attempt to help the looks a little LOL My friends ask how I put up with it I respond with every car he fixes we resell and profit from so I look at them as dollar signs instead of cars and a mess.
My mom also lives with us and she drinks coffee no one else in the house does and she spills it all around her coffee pot every morning and leave stains on my counter. It drives me nuts. Ok 2 vents there but I have 2 adults in my household that I take care of plus two kids but dont get me started on them.

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answers from New York on

his drycleaning tickets (from the clothes, don't know how else to call them), the plastic bags ALL OVER THE PLACE.
i mean seriously, i find them in the coin jar, in drawyers, in the washer, everywhere.

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answers from Indianapolis on

I love my husband dearley but he doesn't know how to not tell everyone our business. He will tell perfect strangers personal stuff that I don't think is appropriate. He can't just take the garbage out or go get the mail it takes him like 20-30 minutes and I will call his phone and he has gone over to a neighbors to talk or is standing out front talking to neighbor and he still hasn't taken the trash out or back or gotten the mail. Also we both have jobs where we have to work late or have service calls he knows that tuesdays and wed I have to work late. Yet every day he will call me at 430 to tell me he is getting her or he can't get her and wants me to figure out what to do. Or I will call him and he swears that I am tapped into the parking lot at his work because I will call when he has just pulled into the shop to make sure that he is getting her. He has to have a morning FART and it is not just a little fart it is long and loud and stinks he will hike his leg to do it or fluff right after doing it. Little irritations!!! But I love him dearley.

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answers from Detroit on

LOL, this is nice :) Its also VERY nice to know MY husband isnt the only one doing some of the things your husbands do too.

Yep grabbing body parts, mine too. Makes me feel a bit like a "rented" maid while Im cleaning lol

Sink/counter water, after doing dishes yep water all over and not just a lil, I never make a lake like that how is it possible?(though BEYOND grateful for him doing them, I just wipe it up so it continues lol )

Riles kids up and then wants them to immediately calm down, LIKE NOW! they dont then he goes to bed(works nights) with kids running and yelling I have to quiet down. Thanks honey! Have fun falling asleep! ;)

SERIOUSLY?!?! Those socks rolled up into a tight gross ball of sweat and smell is enough to make me puke, especially days later to do laundry.....solution? short socks, I dunno why, they never get into that "roll"

He ALWAYS wants to come talk with me while im getting ready to go out and wants to chat while Im telling kids to get out cause I want alone time to get trying to hurry, NOW you wanna talk about things? and wow what does this make up do? What is this for? Wow this looks so much like a "tool" (thanks) does things thats all you need to know(ie zit covering concealer, eyelash curler etc).....and I really dont like when he sees the things I go through to look good....its kinda like taking out the secrets to magic, just not as fun knowing I MIGHT turn into a pumpkin at midnight!

I dont know how many times I have asked for him to empty the pockets of his pants, and sometimes I have ONLY a free second to throw the laundry in~ I just throw it in.......PENS! Thats all that needs to be said! FREAKING PENS!!!! Really?!?! Time to go shopping.....wait, maybe I should milk that one a bit

I always "could have done it this way" NO MATTER what I do(he used to more than now~yay for couples therapy!!!!!) from dishes to putting baby things together(that I asked for months to get done) or running I could have done this way or that way. Its annoying! I did it, YAY me! where is that?

GRRRR!!! I have the husband who ALSO leaves the eggshells in the sink UNDER stuff and no dishwasher......the garbage is RIGHT THERE!!!!! I mean its really easier to throw them away in all actuality!

and never remembers garbage day either......I have told him that I can not help that I am so "picky" its just he is "good enough"........its like ehhh good enough, who cares about the lake water on the are just "good enough" til it comes to......well prolly everything now that I think about it! lol

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answers from Detroit on

my boyfriend does stuff. but hes a guy, i brush it off that

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answers from Chicago on

These are so funny, thanks for making my morning everyone. A few of mine...

1) I do think every husband (or at least most) gropes when we're doing something so not sexy, like cleaning (??) or cutting vegetables. I guess it's better than not being attractive to them but really? My butt looks that good in my yoga sweats when I'm up to my elbows in bathroom cleaner? Ugh.

2) My husband takes fish oil almost every day - which would be great for him if he actually took it. But for some reason he just grabs the fish oil tablets and puts them in the pocket of his work pants and says he'll take them at work. Then he forgets, like 88% of the time. I am usually impeccable about checking his pockets when I do laundry, but if I miss one, the WHOLE load will smell like fish oil. mmmm. Then what a waste of a 1/2 hour because everything has to be washed again. On heavy.

3) We don't have a garbage disposal in our kitchen sink (a double sink). I am convinced that the sink drain covers are invisible to him. Therefore only making perfect sense that I have to empty the yuck bits of food from them every day.

4) Ok last thing - he drinks about 16 bottles of sparkling water every day (when we've been to costco). And instead of being able to put the empty bottles in the recycling outside our back door, or maybe just on a nearby coffee table, he has to launch them across the room and see how accurate his aim is. I find them everywhere!!

And like many other posters, he is wonderful and I'm sure he could come up with at least 4 annoying things that I do. The important thing is that he's a terrific dad and a sweet, caring, funny guy (just duck if you're in the room and he's almost done with his perrier!).

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answers from Las Vegas on

its not only men that do this. i live with a female r-mate thats in her 50;s and she is the lazyiess person. i don't think its habit . these people are just irresponsible in what they do.i go thru this closing cabinet doors,wiping counter tops.picking up empty glasses,etc ,.etc. its not in there nature to be clean. thas my opinon

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answers from Minneapolis on

My husband often has to get up early for work and will set his alarm for say 4AM. He sleeps through it until I can wake him enough for him to roll over to hit the snooze button (after its already been blaring for 5 minutes) then a minute later alarm number 2 goes off. He has 2 alarms on his actual alarm clock and I think 3 on his cell phone. He sets them ALL! So there is an alarm going off every minute just about, and he pretty much sleeps through it all. He usually will hit the snooze, but I don't think he even remembers hitting snooze. Anyway this will go on for 2 hours. By this time, my alarm is going off!! SOOO ANNOYING!

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answers from Boston on

Thanks girls, reading all your posts made me realize that men will be men and that's just the way it is! We've been married 4 years and have an 18 month old daughter. I LOVE my husband, he is a great father, he is a very kind person, he has many great qualities. But of course, he isn't perfect (neither am I). Here are some things he does that drive me bananas!

1. EVERY time we go somewhere, he's on the computer until the last moment while I am running around getting everything together for myself and our daughter (cloth diapers, sippy cups, snacks, change of clothes, toys to keep her entertained, stroller, baby carrier, etc...).
2. His pants and socks are never where they should be.
3. He leaves dirty dishes at his computer all the time.
4. When we are driving somewhere, he always asks me for directions and where to turn even if it is someplace he's been 10 times already.
5. It takes at least 4 days of nagging to get him to take out the trash. I don't bother with asking him for recycling anymore and take it out myself with baby in one arm.
6. When he vacuums he cleans the middle of the room but leaves the corners and along the baseboards dirty (where most of the dust accumulates) so I have to finish it for him.

I have to admit, some of these things I do as well (like leaving clothes and dishes places). We're working on it! Doesn't make me love him any less!

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answers from Dallas on

I completely 100% understand the need to vent but isn't it just a shame how no matter how good we may have it we find something to complain about. I'm guilty of this myself, I've got a great husband but there are a multitude of annoying habits I could list. I do however like the idea of calling them "endearing qualities" by Kirin L. I think I'll start doing that! =) Happy Venting Ladies!

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answers from Columbus on

My hubby is ADD (clinically diagnosed & medicated) so I have learned to live with a lot but...these are the things that drive me the most crazy:
--opens packages at the seams. ex. dryer sheets box has a perforated flap that you are supposed to lift up. he opens the box at the end where it is glued together and all the dryer sheets fall out! does the same with garbage bags and pretty much any container that has pre-made openings he goes out of his way to open it at the seams! drives me crazy!
--things come up missing...he swears he has never seen it or touched it. the butter was missing a few days ago. I handed it to him and watched him put it in the fridge. the next day it is no where to be found! he swears he didn't do it...never saw it...never touched it (even though I was standing right there!) I found it later buried in the vegetable drawer...he had put it in there and then covered it with other (non-vegetable) stuff!

I could go on and on but I either learn to live with these or learn to live without him. He is a sensitive, caring man and I do love him.

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answers from Phoenix on

This is kind of weird but it completely drives me bonkers! Hubby, while driving, presses on and off the gas pedal so you literally can feel yourself going forward then back, then forward, then your seat! I'm like "WTH???"!!! It seems that he mostly does it while we're talking and he's not even aware of it! That's really the only thing so I shouldn't complain after reading some of the other posts! :o)

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answers from Springfield on

This post is hilarious! I've gotten some good laughs here-- and I can totally relate!! Ha ha! Whitney's comments are hysterical! ;) Anyway... here's my husband's most irritating habit... forgetfulness. He forgets whether he paid a bill... what the important phone call was about, that my birthday is in 2 days.. that our anniversary is this week... that our child has surgery this week... you know, just the important stuff! If I don't remind him, he's go on about his merry day in ignorant bliss. I swear if I don't do things myself, they won't get done right. ;)

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answers from Houston on

Oh my this is very touchy for me, at least you get the kool aid I get sticky coffee stains that's very disgusting and nasty after I've been at work all day and come home to see that....Not to mention the toliet seat how awful is that to potty durning the night and almost fall through the floor.Yuck!!!

What are we going to do??? Live, Laugh, Love!!!!

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answers from Saginaw on

My husband likes to cook, his cooking is too spicy for my taste most of the time. The worst part is he only washes dishes once in a while. We work oppposite shifts, so he is doing his cooking when I am at work. I have told him I don't enjoy washing his dishes. I have tried telling him politely and I have tried getting angry. Nothing works! I try to show appreciation when he does wash dishes.

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answers from Jackson on

My husband never finishes what he starts. He gets it almost done, most of the time done enough that it can be used but not quite all the way there. He's very handy and fixes things all the time and is an amazing woodworker. So he fixes things and makes things all the time. Without me nagging him though some of it wouldn't ever get finished. For example our son's crib...if I hadn't refused to use it until it was finished it would have just been "done enough". He's been working on the dog house for 6 years now and it's almost done but not quite there...the list could go on.
If anything is on our bed and he finds it he puts it on the couch for me to take care of later.
He NEVER puts his clothes away...they'll sit there for months if I don't and he'll just grab what he needs off the pile of clean clothes instead of getting clothes out of his closet.
this is a good post...great for some laughs.
Of course I have a few quirks that drive him nuts....
I am very perticular about things being used ceral bowls being used for ceral and dinner bowl being used for dinner dishes, toilet paper not being used for kleenex and kleenex not being used for toilet paper. I know it's very wierd...but I can't help it!
When I empty the bathroom trash cans I sometimes forget to put the trash can back in the he has to hunt it down and replace it himself.
I leave napkins on the stove after using the microwave. I try very hard not to do this...but sometimes just forget!

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answers from Cleveland on

OMG, I have so many! I'll spare you all of them and only list the top ten:
1. Absolutely refuses to put the toilet lid down. I am waiting on the day for our two year old to drop HIS cell phone into the deep blue...

2. Take all day in the bathroom and getting ready but then expect me to have myself and my two children (one is an infant) ready in five minutes.

3. Ask me where random things are, like I'm the keeper of everything: "babe, have you seen my keys, phone, blue socks with the white stripe?" etc... I don't have enough to keep up with with my own and my children's things.

4. Insist on needing something out of the baby's room right after I have worked like a dog to get baby to sleep. Of course, the baby wakes up and cries when he hears the door open thus making it necessary for ME to come upstairs and settle him back down.

5. Say little irritating things like: "Are you SURE you want a brownie?" or "You know, if you cut meat out of your diet you'd lose weight faster.."

6. Go out of his way to come and find me and inform me that the children need something instead of just doing/getting it himself: "Babe, the baby is hungry/needs a diaper change/spilled his juice...etc"

7. My husband has an opinion in absolutely EVERYTHING! I mean even the most remote things like potting soil or maybe 19th century english furniture.

8. Yes, my husband too likes to do fondle and grab body parts while I'm cooking or otherwise engaged. He is also an air-humper when I walk past, or better yet, don't even let me bend over to pick something up off the floor (you get the picture)

9. My dear hubby will do and say ANYTHING to get out of housework. I have enough material from him to write a book on the subject. He will pile up dishes in the sink to avoid unloading the dishwasher. If I didn't eventually give in and pick up all of the socks he leaves around we'd have dirty socks for living room carpet.

10.Farting just like it's no big deal. Similar to how someone else would belch and say "excuse me". Well, he farts like it's no big deal. He will not try to slide it out or even leave the room. We'll be sitting there watching TV and he'll just let one rip. I guess I shouldn't complain because he does say "excuse me", but I swear, that is sooo annoying....




answers from Providence on

My husband drives me crazy every time he cannot sleep!!! He starts tossing and turning, yawning loud and mking noises while stretching...until he finally wakes me up!! It bothers me really bad because he seems to go back to sleep after a while, but then I can't sleep no'susually around 3 to 4 am. I can't bear with my busy day if I can't sleep well and I find this to be so unfear!!.
Sometimes I turn the light on and the tv and try to make him feel (in a way) the way I feel. I asked him several times to please be considered and stop annoying me at night when he cannot sleep, I asked him to leave the bedroom if he feel restless and have a cup of tea or warm milk....but STOP WAKING ME UP at 2, 3, 4 am every time he have insomnia.

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