2 Year Old Son, Sick with Fever and Congestion, EVERY MONTH!

Updated on February 03, 2011
K.T. asks from Altamonte Springs, FL
15 answers

My 2 year old full of energy and wise boy has been under the weather since NOVEMBER. It hasn't lasted this whole time, that would be crazy! BUT it does start every beginning of the month. As if he has a period! It started in November and It is now February and it's back again. It begins with congestion and then turns into the fevers. Non stop fevers for 2-3 days straight. The congestion last for about a week. Sometimes the fever comes back after 7 days and finally he kicks it around the 2 week mark. ER visits, Pediatrician, Neurologist (because he did have a febrile seizure 2x), but they all state "its a VIRUS". I feel so LOST... and worried. Anyone experienced or experiencing the same???

A little background: I breastfed my son for an entire year and he stayed home for the 1st year and a half. August he started daycare. Up until November of 2010 he had NEVER gotten sick. Never has had an ear infection. He is not allergic to anything that I know of as of yet.
- Worried single mommy

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So What Happened?

So after 2 weeks... He ends up getting a BAD ear infections. The pediatrician explained to me that my son has a HIGH pain threshold. The ear infection he had was really bad and his 1st ever. He never pulled at his ear or cried. The fevers he was having when he first was sick was due to getting the FLU yet again, (even though he has the flu shot, and had it the beginning of January). The pediatrician was explaining to me that children in daycare between Nov through March become sick at least 1x a month. Usually it is in the beginning of the month because of the new kids coming in. New kids = new infections. Also because they are not able to go outside due to the cold. No fresh air = bacteria/ virus central inside.

His daycare now has to monitor him, as do I, for when he falls or pretty much gets what we'd think is a booboo to see how he reacts. These type of children need to be monitored carefully and taken to the Doc or ER as soon as a fever of over 103 hits because it maybe something worse.

Basically my son when he is sick never acts like the sick child. When he hits his head he continues to run around silly. I now have to check for bruising and make sure all is ok at the end of the day. Typical mommy stuff, its just hard when you are doing it alone, in Nursing school, and working at the hospital.

Thank you all for your tips! I am def starting pro-biotics, which the doctor said would not be a bad idea. I also have told his teachers to make sure he washes his hands constantly (which they do anyhow because I see him via there webcam).

So for now, I am going to just have to HOLD ON STRONG, until his immune system is superman strong. Our kids are our heroes but to bad they are not invincible :(

Thank you mommys!

More Answers


answers from Clarksville on

Hi Kyrita86,

It sounds like it could be the exposure at daycare and his body is working through fighting off new germs. We experienced something similar with my daughter when she started kindergarten. We boosted her immune system and modified her diet so that she was getting optimal nutrients, no processed, no added sugar or no preservative laced foods. I would recommend working on boosting his immune system with vitamin C & D3 and a daily probiotic.

Also, in reference to the febrile seizure, I know how scary they can be. My now 11 y/o son had one when he was 1 1/2 y/o. I was reading an article recently about the increase in febrile seizures in the children that have had the Fluzone vaccine. Has your child had this vaccine? I'm not saying it caused his febrile seizure but knowing they've noticed an increase in the kids that received the vaccine, I would surely be reporting this to my doctor and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) http://vaers.hhs.gov/index
I'm certain the doctor won't share this information with you and possibly disclaim that the vaccine had anything to do with the seizures. I'd look closely at when his seizures occurred, if he did have the fluzone.

Sorry this is happening to your little man. Just remember a fever is the body's line of defense. Having a fever is a sign that the body is doing what it was designed to do.

I can't post it now but I can share an article for the fluzone and the increase in seizures and about the benefits of fevers if you are interested.

Good luck,

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Washington DC on

Just to rule it out, I'd have him tested for strep. My friend's son would have low fever and lots of mucus in his nose and mouth (and very bad breath from the mucus) and it turned out he had ongoing strep that antibiotics just wouldn't cure. Yet he never really had a sore throat. One doctor even told her he didn't have strep, no red throat, etc., when the culture said yes, he was positive for strep. It's more likely it's something else, but you can rule that out with a test.



answers from Chicago on

Because your son was at home for that time, he was not exposed to the germs that he is now that he is in daycare. His body needs some time to build up his immunities. If he didn't deal with this now in daycare, he would go through it when he started school. I know it is hard, but don't worry. It is completely normal. Make sure to provide him with good nutrition and plenty of sleep. This too shall pass!



answers from Pensacola on

Daycares have lots of cooties. My sister stayed home with her children their first year. As soon as she put them in daycare they were sick every month also. Her youngest had to have tubes put in his ears because of chronic ear infections. It was crazy. My opinion is this: make sure they get a daily vitamin, lots of yogurt or probiotics, and the best fruits and veggies they can get. Really, the only thing you can do is make sure their body is getting what they need to help fight off getting/being sick.... unless you can stay home with them.



answers from Miami on

i Kyrita,
Totally normal. Our 2 yo is also constantly sick this winter. Being around other kids in the indoors in winter just passes the germs back and forth :)
He is lucky to have a momma like you.



answers from Boston on

Don't be too worried... it's probably daycare. I work at a daycare, and can tell you of all the rooms the ones with the most sick children are always the infant and toddler rooms, with the older infants and younger tods being the most effected. Why? Well, they don't have mature immune systems yet, and they mouth everything, including things other children have just mouthed (despite our best efforts to take them away first!), and they can't wipe or blow their own noses. So they are more affected by germs, they pass them more easily from one to another, and they stay sick longer because they have a hard time clearing the junk. Another clue is the timing. The sick season in our place starts right around November, it gets colder outside, you start keeping the kids in, and the germs circulate. Also. more than ever parents send children when they don't feel well to daycare. We see it all the time. People are much more willing to take a "sick day" on a sunny summer or spring day than in the winter when they are trying to get ready for holidays (nov dec) or do taxes or inventory (jan feb).

I'm willing to bet he'll feel much better once spring comes. If he stays in daycare long, he'll eventually build a great immune system. My son has been attending the center I work at for 4 years, and he almost never gets sick now. In the meantime, take care of him when he needs it, keep him home when he's sick, stay strong yourself, and he'll be ok.

hope that helps. <3



answers from Tampa on

Unfortunately, this is very typical for new children in starting daycare. The little guys are sponges to everything! Try probiotics and see if that helps build up the immunity. Your child was well cared for at the beginning but now in daycare, they are putting more random things in their mouths, other children may not cover their sneezes and coughs and the drool is all over the place. A good hand washing regimen may help.
Something else to consider. I have been sick since October too! Off and on... ear infection, bronchitis twice, etc. I'm not the sick type and this season has been pretty loaded and exhausting. Turns out, it may be serious environmental allergies causing these reactions, lowering the immune system and attracting viruses. In my case its environmental and happens on a monthly basis (sounds very similar). Couple weeks sick, one week getting better, one week healthy and then down hill again. Something to consider since it started with that change of season too. On my way to an allergist next. Good luck!



answers from Tallahassee on

My daughter was with my MIL during the day until right before she turned 3. When she started preschool she was sick every few weeks with something - colds, ear infections, fevers, vomiting, strep throat, etc. This went on for about a year. Her immune system must have gotten stronger because she doesn't get sick all that often anymore. It probably helps a lot that she stopped sucking her thumb too so she's not constantly getting germs on her thumb and then putting it in her mouth. I was just commenting to my mom about how it's been several months since she's even had a cold or anything and the very next day she started coughing. The day after that she was crying about her throat hurting so I took her to the doctor to find out she has strep throat. I guess I must have jinxed her by talking about her not being sick. :)

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much. This happens to lots of kids. Since he stayed home for the first 1 1/2 years he wasn't exposed to all of those germs out there so his immune system just needs to be built up som. As he's exposed to more and more his immune system will get stronger - but it is hard the first year they are in daycare. If it is a really big problem then maybe you could check into a home daycare. Home daycares have fewer kids so there's not usually as much sickness going around. I know it must be hard being a single mommy and worrying about your little one being sick and having to take time off to take care of him too. I bet in another 6 months or so he won't be getting sick nearly as often. Good luck!



answers from Boca Raton on

Sorry to hear that your son is suffering from all this. Yes, daycare is filled with sick kids because the parents drop their kids off sick so they don't miss work. Good for you breastfeeding and thus naturally building up his immune system from it. Now, in order to keep his immune system strong you need to look at what he's eating. I strongly suggest you follow this: NO processed foods, no flour products no foods with dyes or colors in them. NOTHING with sugar, sugar weakens the immune system and robs the body of essential nutrients; NO dairy as that produces phlegm, allergies, fevers, ear infections and stomach issues. So now you're wondering what he can eat? All things natural: fresh whole grains (there are hundreds of them out there and that does NOT mean white rice thrown in a microwave), lots of kids love quinoa and parents love it b/c it's a complete food chock full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals. You can put a bit of good quality olive oil and sprinkle some hemp seeds and toasted sesame seeds or mix some tahini, lemon juice, water and some oil and put it on top with the hemp seeds. Hemp seeds are filled with protein AND all your omegas: omega 3, 6 and 9! Give him lots of steamed fresh (hopefully organic) veggies, all colors. Make it fun, you can also cut some up, oil them with a bit of salt or fresh herbs and put them in the oven, beets, sweet potato, onions, greens and even kale chips all are really health and immune building. Make him so fresh miso soup for breakfast , it will build up intestinal flora and strengthen his immune system. Feed him beans with veggies in it too, wash and soak beans overnight, or when you wake. In the morning or when you get home from work (respectively) change the water and cook them up with veggies and some herbs. I could go on forever.... Stick to nature and he will thrive.


answers from Modesto on

He's at the age where they seem to have colds forever. This is how their immune systems strengthens tho. If the doc has ruled out anything major, it is probably something you will deal with until he's about 5. My younger son had colds all the time.... it did turn out that he has a bit of hayfever so I'm sure your son may have a little allergy to something in the air as well. If you have pets that could be the culprit. But between Fall and Spring lots of weird spores are in the air from trees that give a lot of people on the planet grief.



answers from Tampa on

You have your answer with in your question- what is he being fed at day care?
First well done on the breastfeeding, and staying home w/ your son. You got him off to a good start, very important.
I'd suggest Nourshing Traditons, the cookbook that follows WestonPrice. We have found it to be excellent.
Also you could look at Feingold- this was a brilliant doc, way before his time, talking about the effect of food on health.
I think you are seeing it on this schedule because the great start you gave your son keeps him well, or helps him recover quickly-that won't last, his immune system will get run down.
We all have viruses- the question is why is his immune system not handling it? And from the history you have given I would look at diet at daycare, esp consulting Feingold, and see why his immune system is taking a hit.
best, k



answers from Milwaukee on

Some moms have probably mentioned this but I would visit an ENT and possibly an Allergist.

It sounds like a virus if the dr.'s haven't found an infection...and it's weird that it cycles like that. Is it possible there is a correlation to something different at DC during that time of hte month? Something he might be allergic to?

An ENT can and usually does run more intense tests for infections so you may have some luck there and I don't think testing him for allergies is a bad idea either.


answers from Biloxi on

Hi kyrita86,

September through March are the sickest times of the year. Flu, RSV, colds, and bugs abound. My son was always, always, sick during these months. We lived in the Dr.s office. Then spring would come and he would be better until the next September. The fact that your little one started daycare in August, just before the "sick time" compounds the problem.

But, Oh, it is horrible when our little ones are sick. At one point my pediatrician put my then 3ish, asthmatic, son on low grade antibiotics for about 6 weeks at the beginning of the season. For him, it worked wonders and really cut back on the amount of illnesses he picked up. We did this for a couple of years.

But even with being extra diligent he still got Strep every year for the first 10 years of life....like clockwork. Now, at 14, if he is going to get sick it is still during this time of year.

I would check in with the Dr. again, explain your concerns that he just doesn't seem to be shaking the "virus" and ask if they can do more. With my son, he would get a virus and since that lowered his immune system would often pick up a secondary bacterial infection - so my Dr.s often prescribed antibiotics even when he had "just a virus" to prevent the secondary illness. I know, I know, too many antibiotics can cause (fill in the blank) but mine is a normal size, healthy 14 year old now in spite of the aggressive medical treatments when he was little.

Call you Dr. and make an appointment - doesn't matter if he is not sick right now - you want to have a conversation - let them know that this will be a consultation, not a sick visit so the Dr. can schedule a little more time for you. Be prepared with dates or illness and symptoms and outline your concerns.

In the meantime give your son a hug and tell him I hope he feels better soon.



answers from Miami on

The moment I read the subject of your post "sick...every month," I thought to myself, "I wonder if he's in a daycare setting?" Then I read the rest of your post and sure enough that is exactly what is going on, in my opinion.....and the doctors have already established that one word that makes every mom cringe: VIRUS.

Sadly, your little boy will continue to get sick as long as he in a daycare environment. Daycare and germs are almost always synonymous and until he is old enough for you to teach him to wash his hands before eating and to keep his little fingers out of his eyes, nose, and mouth, the poor baby will continue to get sick. You can pump him with the best of the best vitamins in the world but if he's eating his dirty little fingers, all the best vitamins in the world will not keep him healthy. Could you possibly speak to someone at the daycare and encourage them to wash your son's hands before eating? It's worth a try to ask, though I doubt they will oblige but it couldn't hurt to ask. Don't worry. You can't stop him from getting sick by worrying about it. Start teaching him to not put toys that don't belong to him in his mouth. He is two, might understand what you are saying, but highly probable he will forget. Children put dirty things in their mouths, especially things contaminated with another child's infectious germs and then you've got another virus in the making.



answers from Tampa on

My son was sick for what seemed like 7 months straight beginning 2 weeks after starting daycare when he was one year old. Our first sick experience began with a trip to the ER for Croup, and after that he had everything under the sun for about 7 months. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of kids go through this when they first start school or daycare. I guess they are just building up their immune systems. Hang in there. I know it's really stressful. I wish you and your son the best.

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